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A wee (and I do mean teeensy) vid of HRH Inara


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Good morning, fids and fidfam!


OK...amy attempting to share a wee video link https://tinyurl.com/HRHsquirrels of HRH Inara saying Hi to the squirrels outside that she sees through the window. Will see if this works.


I so love her little "munchkin" voice!


Will work at editing some longer vids and uploading. (EDIT: It is on my Facebook, but you do *not* need a Facebook account to see it, I set the permissions so that it is viewable. Just tell Facebook "not now" if you get the pop up asking you to sign in. :) )

Edited by Inara
fixed the linky
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:( what they said. Probably Sterling's fault. He didn't want to hear her so much that he accidentally whammied it. lol


Sterling, don't give up, literally ever. As I've said before, Phenix was a wild caught, abused, who knows how old adult plus about 2 yrs living here. And you might think he'd have said something like "no" or "apple. But you know what the first thing he said was? He called the dog. You just can't guess what's going to trigger it or when, but...

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Just this morning I was chatting with a guy from Brazil on FB that regularly posts videos of his talker. He said he used the Dr. Irene Pepperberg Model/Rival technique with is Grey. I've been tempted to try something like that but everyone in my house has very short attention spans - we'd probably last a day or two. Once we get bored of something we move on to other things like swinging from ropes. GreycieMae loves to get a good push and swing from her ropes. Or riding the ceiling fans, nothing beats riding the ceiling fans. Or digging in the kitchen cabinets, you never know what you'll find in the kitchen cabinets after mommy has been to the store....



But like I told him, I think she trained me vs. the other way around. She knows how to make me come get her. She knows how to make me go get her a treat just by pulling on my cheek. She knows how to make me go get her water. She definitely did the bulk of the training in this relationship.

Edited by SterlingSL
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lol They always do. And yes, she's a very busy, very well attended little girl. So why change a thing, right?


But lots of things do change over the decades. It just makes sense this would be something that would change eventually.


I also wanted to encourage you especially because I certainly never expected it. It literally never occurred to me that is was even a possibility & I damned near fell over whenever I heard him. And of course when I got so excited it made he mute for- idk , a month? And the whole entire time I was so excited I couldn't stand it!!


But then he has always been absolutely perverse about doing certain things. Lately, I'll ask him to ring his favorite bell & he just stares. But I walk out of that room & almost immediately I'll hear ding ding ding, "YAAAAY". And I know he's laughing at me. The little bleeper!!

Edited by birdhouse
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Okies -- I've tried a direct link to my Facebook page, and made it public so that you should be able to see it. This was one that I had managed to upload from my tablet in Dec 2015. Facebook compressed the heck out of it so the video is not so great -- hence why I gave up trying to post any others of her on Facebook. Will try to get more recorded, edited, and then youtubed.


Sterling, I echo Birdhouse's sentiments. My 1st CAG (wild caught abused rescue) was quiet as a clam except for wild noises until one night we scared the crap out of each other when I was coming in at 2:30 a.m. and this voice in the dark piped up with, "Hey whatcha doin' there?!" and I wend, "EEEEEEEK!!!!" and he went, "SCRAWWWWWWKKKKK!!!" after that he eventually opened the floodgates of things he had heard and been exposed to -- but was not the conversationalist that HRH is. He was mimic only basically. Loved him beyond the beyond and wouldn't have cared if he was mute forever. I loved his wild noises more than his words -- spine chilling hoots and growls and howls and calls. *sigh*


Fixed the link above but here it is again -- let me know if it works https://tinyurl.com/HRHsquirrels

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