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Finding a breeder?


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Pardon this double post which I accidentally posted in the Nursery forum. Very sorry!


Can you fine folks recommend a place to find a reputable breeder? I've looked on BirdsNow, but something about that site gives me the jitters. I can rarely see contact information from sellers, and the contact links go offsite where it looks more like a click farm than reputable site. Maybe I'm wrong?


I'm in south Louisiana and of course it would be nice to find a breeder within a couple of hundred miles, but I'm ok with shipping from out of state if I must.


Is it too early in the year to find babies, or must I wait a few more months?


Pardon my beginner's ignorance! Any help, comments, or recommendations will be much appreciated. Thanks!



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Hi Sam, sorry I can't help you in the breeder department, but no doubt someone will likely come along who may be able to lend a recommendation. Have you thought about adopting a young bird? Hand rearing a baby isn't necessarily a guarantee that you and your chick will bond forever, in fact it's natural for them to want to "leave the nest" and look for a mate rather than parents after about age 2-ish. (Hence the 'terrible twos).


There are scads of Greys out there who need good homes, and if you take care and are diligent in finding just the right match for you, you can wind up with the love affair of a lifetime. If you are a first time parrot person, there is a lot of homework to be done but there are many people here who would love to help you with questions to ask about potential adoptee birds.


Is your heart set on a chick, or on finding a good companion? :) In either case, you're in the right forum. One way to start might be to find an avian veterinarian in your area and ask them if they know of any reputable breeders. A good breeder will have a good avian vet looking at their birds.


Cheers, and jump in and tell us more about yourself. Welcome to the forum! :)

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Thank you for your reply Inara. I guess we'd consider re-homing a good bird. We just started exploring this and are taking our time and soaking in as much information as possible. Raising a baby that imprints is very appealing though. But the terrible twos you mention is something we hadn't considered!


One of the things we're grappling with is that we occasionally like to travel. Sometimes it's a few days camping and sometimes a longer trip overseas for a week or ten days. It's looking like we can either own one of these wonderful birds or travel. Choose one! I was hoping to discuss this with a breeder or owner and get some feedback on the subject. We certainly want to be good and responsible parents. If you care to share any of you're knowledge we are all ears :)

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They are correct there are literally thousands of Greys out there that need help. I had to go on the other side of the planet to find that out.


I'm not dissing any breeders at all, but if you think of it in human terms, look at all the so called problem children up for adoption.


Do you realize some of the greatest minds in the world were adopted children?


My rescued Sukei I would not trade for a baby.


He is smart as the day is long. He also came from the hard life, and that which does not kill us, makes us stronger, greys included.

Edited by KevinD
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Thank you all so much for your help and suggestions! I found a breeder and just received a beautiful baby. So now we're learning the ins and outs and fine art of rearing this intelligent bird. I will post pics soon! Thank you again!

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