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Hello from my new baby CFG redfactor


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Her name is Rosie she is 3months old to day I have had here just over a week it's a different experience every day she learns things very quickly and likes to be scratched and cuddles stays around me all the time she just flew from her perch to my arm I can't wait until she starts to talkIMG_0040.jpg

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Hello Redfactor and welcome to our family.


You have a beautiful baby grey, Rosie is adorable and those dark baby eyes get me every time. She has a pretty array of red feathers there but they may or may not stay as sometimes they molt them out, in any case she is gorgeous to behold.

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Hello Redfactor and welcome to our family.


You have a beautiful baby grey, Rosie is adorable and those dark baby eyes get me every time. She has a pretty array of red feathers there but they may or may not stay as sometimes they molt them out, in any case she is gorgeous to behold.


Thanks I hope she keeps them but if not that's ok she will always be my baby

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I am just curious about her losing here red feathers if that's the case why would a breeder sell her as a redfactor I have read up about redfactor I know that they start at $5000. and up but they are mostly all red don't get me wrong it really won't make a difference but I paid twice the money for her and again it's not even the money issue what would bother me would be that I was not told that from the start I still would of purchased her to me being honest is very important your opinions would be appreciated

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Happy New Year to you and Rosie. A good breeder would know about the red feathers molting out. It was, sad to say, most likely a money grab. The red feathers May stay. We just want to prepare you for if they don't. Your baby is gorgeous, red feathers or not. Enjoy your baby days. Did you do a DNA test? Do you know for sure that she is a she?

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Happy New Year to you and Rosie. A good breeder would know about the red feathers molting out. It was, sad to say, most likely a money grab. The red feathers May stay. We just want to prepare you for if they don't. Your baby is gorgeous, red feathers or not. Enjoy your baby days. Did you do a DNA test? Do you know for sure that she is a she?


Yes the breeder had it done I have all her vet papers I also had a vet check her out and red feathers or not she will always be my Rosie I will have a talk with the breeder I am curious what he will have to say

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Yes the breeder had it done I have all her vet papers I also had a vet check her out and red feathers or not she will always be my Rosie I will have a talk with the breeder I am curious what he will have to say


Sounds like a decent breeder otherwise. My Dorian also came with his DNA papers. I got them when I adopted him.

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I hope I can get some advice my Rosie is flying off her perch and straight to my arm and then right up to my shoulders having a hard time trying to get her off of my shoulders and neck it hurts big time her nails and beck she gives me a hard time help

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You have to stop her from climbing up to your shoulder. I had to do this when Dorian first started perching on my arm. I'd move him to my hand and then hold my hand higher than my elbow. It goes against their instinct to climb down, so she'll be likely to stay perched on your hand. Give her lots of praise and a treat or two so she associates being held this way with positive things. Some birds can't be trusted on shoulders. We can't see them there so we can't read their body language and see when they're likely to bite.

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You have to stop her from climbing up to your shoulder. I had to do this when Dorian first started perching on my arm. I'd move him to my hand and then hold my hand higher than my elbow. It goes against their instinct to climb down, so she'll be likely to stay perched on your hand. Give her lots of praise and a treat or two so she associates being held this way with positive things. Some birds can't be trusted on shoulders. We can't see them there so we can't read their body language and see when they're likely to bite.

Thanks I will try that and see how it goes

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Happy New Year to you and your Rosie. Love her little red petticoat! Like many gals, she may become fickle and decide that her red petticoat is no longer fashionable and will trade it in for a new outfit, or she may decide it will be her signature style feature forever. Either way she is a beauty, and it's apparent that you already love her to pieces. If her talons are a bit too sharp and are scratching through your clothing pricking your skin or begin to get caught in your clothing's threads, find an avian veterinarian or a groomer or her breeder and ask to have just the wee tips of her talons buffed down a bit. Take care to ask that they not take them down too short as this can adversely affect her ability to balance and hang on to perches -- talons are there for a reason and many a bird has taken many a tumble from talons taken down too short.


My gal will let me use an emery board on the tips of hers, and that does the trick. Also, a "grooming" perch that is made for that purpose can be helpful. Inara uses hers, but occasionally she still needs a light buff.

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