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It dawned on me today (Thanksgiving Day) what this day really means. For those of you who are owned by a parrot you may understand.


I am not allowed in the kitchen on this day as I just get in the way, make a mess and won't stay out of the marshmallows. So I sit out here, on my perch, watching footyball and patiently wait for a feast that is being prepared - just for me. I hear chopping, mixers, opening of containers, the pepper grinder, cookings, and the smells are absolutely delish. I've made my way into the kitchen a few times looking for an early treat or to try and make off with a marshmallow only to get kicked out and told to stay out. I am feeling a bit empathetic to GreycieMae's struggles. The sounds and smells are tortuously irresistible and all I hear is the repeated NO! I'm hoping my time will come and a feast will appear before me. There will undoubtedly be morsels in my dish that just aren't suitable. I will merely fling those out of the way and eat only my favorites. If there is nothing more good to eat I will flip my dish in protest and make my way right into the middle of the sweet taters with the marshmallows. Because sweet taters and marshmallows is what this is all about. Right?


I will relish this day, pretending I am a spoiled rotten parrot.



Happy Spoiled Rotten Parrot (Thanksgiving) Day to all my US parront friends!

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We had a quiet few days. Spent time with friends, spoiled HRH with tidbits of cranberry orange sauce and sweet potatoes, watched the final F1 grand prix of the season and just relaxed. The snow is supposed to fly big time up here today so will be setting up the Xmas decorations and giving HRH the grand tour so that she remembers that they are not deadly intruders!

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