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Need help with a 12 weeks old


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Hey guys!

I got last week an approx 12 weeks old african grey which obviously still need to be handfed. Since then i am feeding him CEDE handfeeding formula and adding brocolli sweet potatoes and carrots to each feeding cooked and mixed with the formula.(i am feeding 3x per day approx 45ml every time)


The baby still eat barely alone he like potatoes so much as for seeds and pellets still eat rarely or mainly reduce them to small pieces.


Since yesterday i have noticed that his "poo" are not that hard,maybe because i am feeding him too much vegetables? Could it be it? I have stopped the vegetable with the formula and it seems a bit better.. he mainly have a bit of diarrhea in the morning when i wake up i see them, after feeding him during the day his poop seems fine i have attached a second picture showing one or 2 small poop that he has made after breakfast.

I am just worried that he might be sick or something?

He can fly a bit so when i call him he fly to me but he has not full control of his flight yet.

I am just worried that he might be sick and hiding something and the second problem is that we don't have any avian vet in my country so my only help will be coming from you guys..

one more thing, when i got it ,i treated him against coccidiosis(a 3 day treatment)

Finally can someone tell how and what should i mix with the formula for more efficient and vitamins in the food without hurting him

Or putting something in excess?


Thanks a lot!




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Went home and againn diahrea


I was adviced to use these 2 to mix them with water and give them to the bird.. of course using a specific dose. I hope you will be able to guide me.. i fed him tonight formula+cooked whole grain rice+1 cooked potato cube




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Went home and againn diahrea


I was adviced to use these 2 to mix them with water and give them to the bird.. of course using a specific dose. I hope you will be able to guide me.. i fed him tonight formula+cooked whole grain rice+1 cooked potato cube


The formula mix in those packages aren't for parrots. They're for soft billed birds such a finches, canaries, pidgeons, doves. That's what is causing those loose droppings.

At 12 weeks, solid food should be introduced such as green vegetables, solid carrots and parrot seed mix. The bird won't like all the vegetables but you need to be patient and try all types. He won't eat all the different sized seeds but he'll eventually he will. Seed should be in an area where he can easily get to it all the time. The seed should be with him 24 hrs a day. The vegetables should be raw, very green. You can feed some scrambled eggs 2 to 3 times a week. You can give some cooked beans, some bread that has grains in it. Some roasted nuts that people can eat. No raw peanuts.

Since you really have no formula mix available , Get some oatmeal, cook until it's lumpy ( NOT CREAMY) and use as formula mix. Don't blend in other things with the formula. Use a spoon. Feed as much as the bird can eat. Use no measuring items. He'll stop eating when he's full. No potatoes. Give some apples, bananas, some grapes.


As far as what droppings look like-------in the morning the amount will be the largest of the day. The fluid area you're looking at is urates (Urine). The dropping will be semi soft, will splatter a bit. Color will differ depending on what color the food is. They could be green, reddish or light tan.


If your bird decides that he wants no more formula permanently, don't try to force it on him. A bird will stop when nature tells his system that only solid food is acceptable.


Now as far as that disease you're talking about------there is no such thing as *treatments* to prevent the disease. I have no idea who told you that but don't take a chance with your bird's internal organs. That disease happens with different poultry, chickens, pigs and cows. When parrots get that disease, they get it from being around animals like I just mentioned.


PS-----you've only hd the bird a couple of weeks. Let the bird get use to things. That includes the different food you're giving. It takes a while for a bird to acquire a taste for different things.

Edited by Dave007
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Hello Dave,

Thank you for your detailed reply,i really do appreciate it.

So you advice me to stop feeding formula and get oatmeal and cook it.

I didn't know that the vegetables should be raw i always half-cooked them and made them like mashed potatoes,he seems to accept soft food better then hard food is it possible to cook the vegetables? Or you insist on keeping them raw?

I will do all what you told me he has always seeds and pellets on his disposition.

Thanks a lot! :D

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I just went back home and did what you told me,he didn't accept to eat the oatmeal at all,it seems that he found it "sticky"..

So I had to mix it with a bit of formula and here we goo! He ate well well! I mixed with the oatmeal some cooked carrots(in the microwave).Did i do well?

One more question,why the formula shouldn't be mixed with something else? like vegetables or rice for example?


Thanks a lot! :D


here is a video of Alvin,

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I just went back home and did what you told me,he didn't accept to eat the oatmeal at all,it seems that he found it "sticky"..

So I had to mix it with a bit of formula and here we goo! He ate well well! I mixed with the oatmeal some cooked carrots(in the microwave).Did i do well?

One more question,why the formula shouldn't be mixed with something else? like vegetables or rice for example?


Thanks a lot! :D


here is a video of Alvin,


Look, maybe you misunderstood what I said. I told you that the formula you are using is not made for parrots so I gave you an idea about what to as far as making a different type of formula that's good for parrots `.It's closer to the correct type of formula to give. I told you to make a different type and the reason is that you're not giving the correct type. You're using a forula that's made for other types of birds. You have no avian vets where you live. You came here to get correct advice and that's what I'm doing. I never heard of someone mixing in potatoes with formula. I told you what substitute you can use which is closer to a correct type to use. Carrots should be given with out cooking them. I told you to try other solid foods which I said would eventually be eaten by the bird. If the oatmeal isn't accepted by` your bird, you should try to purchase flavored oatmeal. Quaker Oats or generic flavored oatmeal. It won't hurt the bird.cSolid food should be given by itself in another dish.This includes solid food such as vgetables Formula shouldn't given at this time until the next feeding is ready. Solid food should be available all the time. Most vegetables shouldn't be cooked. Never give any parrots vitamins because all vegetables have their own natural vitamins. Vitamins are given to soft billed birds. Parrots are hard billed birds. You need to understand the difference. Soft billed birds don't eat parrot seed mix unless they're are scraps laying around the ground. I gave some sugestions about what to feed. I can f\give you other suggestions about what solid food to use but right now you're having trouble with you're giving so I'm starting off simple. Carrots and other vegetabils shouldn't be microwave unless they're frozen. They shouk;ld be only microwave until they're room temperature. You use rice but mix it in with scrabbd egs, NOT FORUMALa. You can mix solid food with some eggs, NOT FORMULA!

The amounts of formula you're using isn't the correct amount of ccs so I told you to feed as much as the bird wants until he wants to stop. Feed every 3 to 4 hrs. If he wants more, give it to him. If he refuses the food, simply stop.That's called ABUNDANCE FEEDING. Many people use this method. It's good for the bird and keeps the bird calm because he's full. Your bird will wanna sleep after a big feeding which is normal. No matter what food you give will eventually be eaten because the bird wikll be hungrey and check out other things. If you wanna break your bird into eating solid food, throw in some cheerios on the floor which he'll eventually eat'

I'll repeat this ----you're going too fast as you're making yourself very nervous and worried. I look at your bird and I see nothing wrong but there may be something wrong with you---it's called impatience and expecting too much in such a small time. I'm really sorry that you have no avian vet around so We'll try to help but you've got take it easy. Your bird seems like it's ready to try out flying and I;'ll tell you right now, weak and sickly birds don't think about that.

Edited by Dave007
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I agree with everything Dave said. I have never heard of anyone mixing vegetables with formula. If the correct formula for parrots is not available to you, feed the oatmeal. Vegetables should be fed in a separate bowl. My Grey just stopped taking her morning formula feedings but every morning I would offer her fresh vegetables and fruits in a bowl, let her eat, then if she still seemed hungry or was begging, I would offer her formula. Your Grey should have a bowl of fresh food and a bowl of pellets available to him during the day but pellets should be available to them 24 hours a day, as well as fresh water.

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Hey guys!

First Thank you for your replies Dave and Giannine.

Yeah.. true i am a bit worried about him that's all.But his behavior seems more than fine I am just worried about his droppings.

Deal deal so now I got it right,no way to miss it,I will stop completely the CEDE formula,feed him oatmeal again(As THE FORMULA),if he doesn't like it will go for a flavored one.

As for the solid food and vegetables I will add a third bowl in the cage. I currently have 2,one for freshwater and one with seeds and pellets,available as you told me 24/24,I used to add some vegetables next to the seeds,but seems it is better to place them apart in a 3rd bowl.


As far for other stuff for feeding I am planning to cook some wholegrain rice,lentils,chickpeas,beans as a mix for him also.


I only tried to mix some additional vegetables with the formula cause I already knew that it is not the most favorable formula for a parrot like him.. but unfortunately I couldn't find any better formulas.. haha again! deal deal i got it no more mixing formula with anything else.I will do the rice+eggs thing also. Thanks a lot Dave and sorry for not being able to get all what you meant from the first post.But I do really care about Alvin and I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him in a good shape and health!

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-06 at 11.11.56 PM.jpg

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I have just uploaded a video to show you,how cute and what a beautiful parrot he is..he is flying now and comes to me whenever I call him(not all the time but most of it lol)..

I won't keep him in this cage for long for sure! I just was told that it is better to keep him at the moment in a small cage since he is clumsy and might hurt himself in a big cage.I already got the big cage and it is waiting for him.

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Alvin is adorable;) It seems like you guys have bonded quite well. It's a good thing you stopped putting vegetables in with the pellets as that makes the pellets wet and they can go bad, if not eaten right away.


If you're able, I would order a proper formula from the internet. Of course continue the oatmeal, if not or until you can get proper formula.

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Loved the video! What a sweetheart. I have no baby experience so will leave the formula question to those who have. As to your question earlier about cooking vegetables, some they like cooked and others they like raw. You'll have to experiment with that. For instance, my bird will eat carrots and broccoli raw, but sweet potatoes only when cooked. Their tastes are as individual a ours that way.


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Hello! Again lol


I found this formula locally is it a good one or also not for parrots?




That NutriBird A19 says it's specifically for: "NutriBird A 19 is a complete birdfood for hand-rearing of macaws, eclectus, hawk-headed parrots, African grey parrots and other babybirds with a high energy requirement. Scientifically composed for an optimal growth."

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So i think it is a good one right?

I am asking cause also on the CEDE handrearing food it is written :

Cede handrearing formula iis the ideal food for handrearing large parakeets and parrots and is also a good food to feed youngsters in the nest...

I didn't know why many professionals told me about cede being not that good for african greys


I will wait for someone to tell me about the new formula just to be sure! :)

Alvin still have diarrhea i may need to wait a couple more feeding to see the difference

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Deal will use it! Yeyy!

Mmmm that's a pic of its dropping taken now


EDIT : I just tried to feed him the new formula,he doesn't like it at all took half a spoon and refused to eat more.. such a complicated alvin! Lol


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hey guys! might be crazy waiting for my parrot dropping.. hehe

but he just "pooped" and no more diarrhea at all!


EDIT: This is the cage I got 2 weeks ago when i purchased Alvin,do you advice me as the others local people here,to keep him in his small cage(also shown in the picture) now? and transfer him in a couple of week? or it is better to do it now?

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-08 at 12.24.53 PM.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2016-10-08 at 12.29.50 PM.jpg

Edited by Od94
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Loved the video!! Alvin is just such a little lovebug! Agree on the transferring him to the larger cage now so that he has plenty of room to spread his wings, and to climb and stretch. You can always position his perches lower down in the cage so that if he falls, he does not drop very far... then move them up as he continues to grow and gain balance and confidence.


As for food, I give my bird mashed, cooked sweet potato, mashed cooked pumpkin, cooked oatmeal, chopped up steamed broccoli, steamed peas, slivered raw carrots, slivered raw purple cabbage, raw swiss chard leaf, raw kale leaf. She also is supplemented with a couple of Nutriberries a day, one walnut in the shell a day, a couple tiny bits of cheddar cheese, a few tidbits of eggs scrambled until dry, and a good seed/nut mixture, and either one grape or one apple slice a day. She prefers some veggies cooked, and some raw. According to her Avian Vet, she is healthy as a little horse. I have never paid much attention to fat content (from nuts and good seed mix) with my birds because they need it for healthy skin, feathers, and beak just like we do for hair and skin, and none have ever had fatty liver issues, etc. She also gets red palm oil skimmed across a chia seed and berry multigrain little waffle every morning.


Each person has to decide what is a good mix for their bird based on activity level, advice from their Veterinarian, what their bird will and will not eat, and good old common sense. :) However, she is now 5 years old. I have never raised a bird from infancy --- so definitely pay attention to those who have more expertise with your guy's age group! :)


Alvin is a lucky fellow and can't wait to see more videos, and hear all about him as he continues to grow and develop!

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Thanks a lot guys for your replies! I will transfer them to the bigger cage.

I tried to feed again the new formula and it is a big nono

So I am sticking to oatmeal.

I will post tonight more videos of Alvin he still cute lol but here and there he bites me sometimes lol.. not to compare with my cockatiel who is always relaxed and let me

Do whatever i want with her..

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I agree with JudyGram...it is better than the tiny cage he is in now but the larger cage still is not big enough. I have 2 Parakeets in a cage a bit bigger than your larger cage and I feel it is too small for them. Personally, I would never put a Grey in a cage that is not at least 32" wide. I', glad Alvin seems to be doing better

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