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Brats, Beast, Demons,and Monsters

Ray P

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Oh the adjectives we use to describe our beloved Greys.

We raised Corky to be a brat and created a monster and from time too time we refer to her as Corky monster and some times as butt head.

She has earned all the names we call her and would have it no other way. She rules the house to the point that if our two dachshunds get on the couch she will fly down and tell them to get off the couch and back to the floor, and they will jump for their life back to the floor and into their bed.

When Corky is out of her cage they are nowhere to be found. She is the house cop.

Any other house cops out there?

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We have 'The Warden'. GreycieMae rules the Sterling-Ranch aviary with an iron talon. Of course she has a little (read: a LOT) of trouble with the Caique who stands 10 feet tall and is bullet proof. I kind of have to stay in line too or she gives me her version of the Angry Caique, which she learned from our spoiled brat Toby Toby.

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Great thread Ray! When I read the subject line I thought it was about my nightly dreams. Miss Gilbert spends her time haranguing me the most. My lovely daughter taught her to yell "Ma, Ma, Maaaaa!" from a scene with Will Ferrell in the Wedding Crashers "Ma the meatloaf!". Gil will drive me crazy with that then mock my frustrated response with "What, What WHAT?" then mock my laugh. When we had Kopi, I gave him stainless steel condiment cups to play. Our two dachshunds were just babies. He would coax them to his cage with sweet words, toss them a few scraps of food, then suddenly scoop up water in the cup, fling the whole thing clanging and scary to the floor and they would run to hide under my bed. Then so sweetly he would say "Come here puppy, come on, come on." Followed by the most sympathetic sounding "It's okay". As the dogs have grown, they are never going near the parrots, they give them a wide berth.

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Great thread!! Well HRH (Her Royal Highness) Inara earned that title within a short amount of time after arriving. It wasn't long before she would call the dog over and then tell her, "Go lie down!" Once she learned the word "cookie" it became her favorite command uttered in every way and tone possible from the sweet, "I will get a cookie?" to the imperious, "You go get a cookie!!!!" She rules all that she surveys, and and like many a Queen can be kind and philanthropic one moment -- sharing all that she has (usually by flinging it to the floor), then can capriciously let out a shriek that we are assuming means, "Off with their heads!!"


Dee, love the "mocking" you -- HRH laughs at one of our neighbors every time she comes over, and she always asks, "Is that bird mocking me?" I just shrug and give a knowing smile.....

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lol such funny stories! Sully is definitely the boss of this house. He will tell the dogs to "Go see mom!" or "On the couch!" if they are running around in the living room with too much excitement for his standards. We also have a cat who is VERY vocal and Sully will tell the cat to "Shush!" if she is being too talkative. I've seen him call the cat over with such a sweet "Come here Helena. Kitty, kitty kitty!" voice. Then the moment the cat responds with a meow, Sully will then scold her with a firm "Helena! Shush!"

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Oh my gosh! I am laughing so hard with all these stories.!!


My Nilah (Amazon) is the warden in my house. She chases my bichon a off the couch, runs after my cats when they come up for a cuddle. If any one of my dogs or cats disobeys, they will get lunged at with a bite! Nilah tries to keep Talon in line...but Talon has no fear of Nilah and will battle it out , so I have to keep watch when they decide to have "turf" wars.

My Rikki will yell at the dogs when they bark, and meow when the cat meows. But they seem pretty calm compared to the flock others have here....lol

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Phenix has his "no fly zone". His cage in in the corner of the room where he gets the illusion of being protected behind the couch. The couch being a DMZ which he'd rather no one crossed (unless they're bearing food"). But he will tolerate it after a fair amount of growling.


Almost everybody respects this. But we all know what happens when you tell a fid anything is forbidden.


Yea, the rest of the birds just have to start a little dust up every now & then. Just to see if they can be the one to get away with crossing that line. Phenix charges at them like an angry bull & I have to pray that I keep being fast enough & vigilant enough to avoid anything more serious than a little drama.


So far so good. But I'm getting older & slower; idk if I can keep this up. I worry that it's just a matter of time before somebody's luck runs out. Cuz Phenix has not mellowed one jot over time & he ain't slowing down even a little bit!

Edited by birdhouse
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