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Lifespan of African Grey: What is it REALLY?


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How old is this forum?


I want to say 2007 because that's the oldest join dates I've ever seen under any names. I also want to say it was started by 'CeasersDad' but Im' probably wrong there too. He came back after a long hiatus away and left some posts with a few tidbits about the history of the forums. Things got a bit dramatical there too and he decided to move on permanently and then deleted the contents of his recent posts, so I only have a memory of them.

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For sure. It was a bit more active when I got here - 3+ years ago. They used to have forum contests which you can see members who won by the little headers in their profile. The last couple of forum contests that were tried got a big fat ZERO activity. One great thing about growing up a loner - I can make and post videos and then come back and watch them myself and it's just like the forum is still active - haaa!

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Although I qualify as a recent returning member, I have checked back often and just read what was new without posting. I also had some health problems that kept me away from my computer and everything else. Parrot forums, like other forums, go through members lives with varying degrees of importance. Other bird forums that have suffered recently are, "the Bird Channel Forums", "Avian Nation", "the Parakeet Place", and another one about Parrotlets that I cannot remember the name of. It's just Human Nature. I see similar activity with various groups that I belong to. Veteran groups, Garden Clubs, etc. all seem to have a small core of regular members who do everything, and a long list of "Ghost Members" that show up now & then.

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All I know for sure is that I love and value the members who are here. There has been some drama at times which I have been careful to stay clear of lol. Sometimes the lack of new posts is disappointing, but it means everything is going right with our members and their birds. Of course I wish all new members would become active members, but I'm happy we're here to answer their questions even if we never hear from them again. For me, the core group of us is a little family, always accepting new members.

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Facebook has killed off forums all over the place, especially niche forums like this one.

The drama here wasn't too bad, although I haven't been here long enough to know any further back. If you want to have some fun, search 'Jayd's posts. I think that guy was drunk half the time he was posting.


Very true but when people go to facebook, there's nothing of substance being talked about. Just yap, yap, yap about the most ridiculous subjects that have nothing to do with birds. The days of legimate bird forums is slowly fading away. This place was once a great place to talk about birds. What happened? Who knows.

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Although I qualify as a recent returning member, I have checked back often and just read what was new without posting. I also had some health problems that kept me away from my computer and everything else. Parrot forums, like other forums, go through members lives with varying degrees of importance. Other bird forums that have suffered recently are, "the Bird Channel Forums", "Avian Nation", "the Parakeet Place", and another one about Parrotlets that I cannot remember the name of. It's just Human Nature. I see similar activity with various groups that I belong to. Veteran groups, Garden Clubs, etc. all seem to have a small core of regular members who do everything, and a long list of "Ghost Members" that show up now & then.


Very well put. I'm glad that others see the fading and failing of all types of boards around the net.

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Did there used to be a lot more active members here? As in active all at once? I suppose it's a good thing in one way that it is fairly quiet here—less drama and personalities clashing.


Hundreds and hundreds. All active. More drama and more personlitiies and more clashing was a good exciting thing

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This is what happens-----A person gets a brand new baby bird. They're trmendlly excited. They wanna know and be a part of everything concerning that new bird and other people birds and info. That person is thrilled.


Fast forward-----that bird is now 5, 6, 7 yrs old. The person now knows that their bird wasn't as special as was once thought. The bird is now a part of the family, a member of the house, mixing in with all the people


In other words --------AS bb king WOULD SAY ---------!The thrill is gone!-------So it's time to go

Edited by Dave007
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Very true but when people go to facebook, there's nothing of substance being talked about.

That is Facebook, in general. I just deleted my account on there and am happier and have more peace in my life without it. The few bird pages I was a member of were "messy." I can't stand drama so I left them.

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I come to Greyforms everyday and read through. Hoping something new comes through. Still hopng........ Ana Grey, 9, and Sterling Gris,7, whom I had with me since each was weaned, are very social and friendly, but they are quiet greys, who love to talk. Sterling Gris likes to sing too.

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hahahahaha I *adore* GreycieMae! Sterling, you and she need your own sitcom! Seriously. Back to the original question of the thread -- no one really knows definitively, and much like hoomans, it depends on that age old combination of environment, genetics, and accidents/and or acts of nature. Most important is giving our companions the best lives possible, and once making a commitment to them, sticking to it and not passing them around and pawning them off like used toys that one is bored with or has tripped over one too many times.


As for the forum activity? I come and go depending on what is going on in my life, but I do tune in nearly daily with my morning coffee and love catching up with everyone's fids. I'm not much for Facebook groups or other forums, and I love the home that HRH Inara and I have found here among this wonderful flock. Dave doesn't even scare me anymore, although I still wouldn't let him on my shoulder... :D;):D

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Dave doesn't even scare me anymore :D;):D

LOL! Good answers here. More sensible than throwing numbers out without explanations or elaborating on different determining factors. Even though the activity here isn't a flurry, I also appreciate the solid community formed by the few who have been here for years and welcome new members openly.

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