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New Cage


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Howsit Guys/Girls


Im in the market to get nonsense a new home, something bigger and more entertaining for her.

Please have a look at this and let me know what you guys this:










Those are a few options i have to choose from. Let me know what you guys think would be the best bet for her.

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Same here - 1st link. Although I really really like the first one that comes up in the fourth link. That's the one I'd go for. My problem is getting the out the birdroom door and down the hallway to take them outside and wash them. I have to take doors off hinges and that's a pain in the butt.

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The 1st link of the first set you posted looks small to me which is why I chose the 3rd. It looks like it is 32" wide. I also am not a fan of the dome top cages. I prefer play top cages as it gives them an extra space to spend time outside of their cage

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay so i haven't found something i like or something i think nonsense would like. I came across this cage and i think it would be our best bet as all the cages iv seen are too small or is in a bad condition and as much as id love to buy nonsense a NEW cage i just dont have the funds for it yet.


Let me know what you guys think of this:




unnamed (1).jpg


unnamed (2).jpg




Price: R1500 to USD $105

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Looks very similar to the ubiquitous cage I use for Greycie. Does the top tray come off so it has an open top? Sometimes I feel it helps 'expand' their space if the top is open and airy. One other thing I would check is the casters and the connection between the casters and the cage legs. Those usually will go bad first.

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Is there a grate top on the top when you remove the tray. You want to be able to remove the top tray so that she can get some light when she`s in the cage. Other than that, like Sterling said, check the legs and the castors. Another worry I have is how the dishes fit into the dish holders. In Dorian`s cage the dishes lock in from outside the cage and then the door closes behind them. This is to stop my birdy from picking up the dishes and tossing them, a favourite fid activity. Has Nonsense ever tossed a food or water dish. Also, the door looks a little small for you to get in there to clean. Dorians cage door is huge, I can fit my whole body through it. The price is right. If you get it I have some tips on how to transition her into a new cage.

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"Also, the door looks a little small for you to get in there to clean. Dorians cage door is huge, I can fit my whole body through it. "



Spoken like someone (else) w/a bad back! I certainly second that. Small doors make cleaning so0o much more work than being able to actually stand inside. Kind of a deal breaker for me.



The wheels are often a place where the manufacturers fail. Either they cheap out or they just don't realize how much a filled cage weighs. But that's not actually a big deal as it turns out. In the states at least, replacement casters & the "connectors" which are square nylon grommets are available from industrial supply stores or sites. And the good news is the replacements are usually an upgrade. Like some come w/brakes, which I like a lot.



My only concern about that cage is the lack of a grate to keep Nonsense out of the litter tray. Some birds don't need one. But if they do & they trash pick, they can get very sick from it (been there, done that).




I'm not a big fan of dome topped cages. Grays love to hang at the top for one thing, plus there's less room to hang toys. My vote is for the first one on your list.


This is what I appreciate most about this forum. All the different perspectives. Everyone's got their experiences & reasons for doing things their way. Sharing gives everyone else the benefit of each individual's trial & error so readers can get a big head start. Unless of course, they want to experiment.



I only use dome top cages. I've always had space considerations. A dome top often has more living space than a play top w/the same foot print. I also love my landing doors!





I like the way they lay out & my fids generally use their cages from the ground up. Which is again, the reason why having a bottom grate is important to me.

Edited by birdhouse
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Hi Guys/Girls/Birds


Thank you all for the replies. I doubt you guys will ever know how much of a help you all have been. I have taken every comment constructively in order to make my decision. I finally went with the last cage i posted.



Yes, there is a grate top when the play top comes off so she will be able to get enough light when she is in the cage. I did check the castors and hinges and everything else and i made sure it was in the best of condition for our lil nonsense, after all if i wouldn't want to live in it why should i make her. The dishes also fit perfectly and there is no chance of her removing them or tossing them. They fit pretty snug and requires a tiny bit of force to be removed which is good and YES nonsense is a thrower lol she thinks its fun to throw her food out and make me clean it up everyday. The cage door is not the biggest but its pretty big i could fit myself through it if i try and its 100x bigger then her previous door so no complaints from me there. Overall i was quite happy with the cage.



I completely agree with the cleaning thing the door on her previous cage was so small cleaning it was a nightmare which was one of the reasons i want to desperately get a new home for her. Although i cant stand inside the new one the door is ALOT bigger so cleaning will be easier, well easier IF she lets us clean the cage she is extremely protective and its always a mission on cleaning day lol The wheels are quite sturdy for now and we do have castor suppliers here in South Africa so replacing/upgrading will not be an issue. The lack of a lower grate shouldn't be much of an issue i always try and change her floor paper every three days depending on how much she messes, also another trick i found that helps me is she has a favorite pooping spot so i lay down smaller sheets in that area and change them everyday so there is hardly ever any poop in her cage. Sometimes i feel like im a bit OCD when it comes to her and i like to make sure everything is perfect for her, the girlfriend often complains that i love nonsense more then her lol I don't really have a preference when it comes to flat/dome top, i went with the flat top because when nonsense is out her cage she loves sitting on top of it and i can make that into a nice play area for her so she doesn't get bored. I second you with regards to this forum, there is so much of knowledgeable people here and everyone has valuable input to give and the best part is EVERYONE is always willing to help.


So thank you all for helping me get nonsense a new home she was really in need of one and now i feel so much better knowing she has enough room to do whatever she wants. This cage is really a lot bigger then her previous one and i think i am a lot more excited then nonsense is. Its a mansion compared to her bachelor flat she previously had.


Acappella i need those tips you were talking about. Basically what i did so far was build it in front of her and made it look like fun (It really wasn't) and once it was complete i left it next to her current cage just to get use to it.

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Well, build it in front of her was #1 so you have good instincts. How is she reacting to it? Is she terrified, perching as far away from it as she can, or does she seem curious about it? When I moved Dorian to his new cage I put it as close to him as I could until he showed signs of fear, then slowly over the course of about a week moved it closer to the cage he was in. When it got close enough I joined the two cages with a perch, and then let him see me put his favourite treat in the food dish and his favourite toy hanging in the new cage. Then I just waited him out. His curiosity got him over into the new cage to sneak his treat, then he started spending more time in the new cage playing. At that point I disconnected the two cages and moved the old one away. I even let him watch me disassemble the old cage and carry it away. The whole process probably took about a week and a half. It's a bit of a pain living with two cages in your space, but you want moving into the new space to be her choice as much as possible. You've got good instincts so I'm sure you'll have Nonsense in her new space very soon. Good luck!

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She is a bit scared of it not terrified i would say. While in her cage, she comes close to the new one but then we can hear her breath a bit heavily and she goes into her little hiding corner. I also did add a few of her toys from her old cage into the new one so she knows its a familiar place. I was even playing with the dishes and toys in the new cage so it would look like a fun place to be for her although i must admit i felt a bit silly playing with a cage in the middle of the night but i have learnt a grey can get you to do all sorts of things you don't want to do lol


I really like the idea of joining them with a perch i think i will get home and do that today as well as put her favorite snacks in the new cage. We definitely don't have space for two cages in our tiny flat and this new one takes up a lot of space in our lounge it makes the room feel a lot smaller but im so happy to get nonsense in there as soon as i can. At this point its all about getting her use to the new home she wont be able to live in it just yet as i still need to give it a proper wipe down and also need to get longer perches to fit the new cage and also TOYS TOYS and more TOYS. You swear i was a lot more excited then nonsense is.

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So this weekend we went out to the pet store and got her some perches and toys for her new home. We managed to find 3 nice perches and got her 2 new toys plus a ladder. She is still hesitant about going into the cage but she has climbed onto the new one. The problem is now she wont get off it and she wont even come down to eat. We had to leave her perched up there the entire night last night. Any ideas how we can get her to go inside?











I was stressed about leaving her at home alone unsupervised and her being perched up on top of the cage for so long so i asked my girlfriend to go home during lunch to check on her, she works just down the road from home, and when she got home to her surprise nonsense was inside her new cage at last. She sent me a few pics and i couldn't stop smiling as a matter of fact i'm still so excited. I though this was going to be a long and agonizing wait for her to accept her new cage but she has shocked us both. Maybe all she needed was some alone time with her new cage lol whatever the reason is i'm still so excited she is now inside her new home.




Girlfriend added the ladder:


Edited by Q9550
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That was a big, bold move for Nonsense & I'm very happy for all concerned. The lucky few parronts who live w/a fid who just embraces change are blessed indeed. I think most Greys dislike being watched unless they're really, generally the secure type. Even still, not necessarily when it comes to certain new things. Or when they're hormonal. Or after dusk. lol But anyway, now you know for future things like food & toys etc. Walk away like "it's" no big deal & maybe it won't be one.


Can't wait to see that cage all "filled up". How about a swing or a boing (spiral perch)? And a bell, or two? I usually try to design some interest all the way down the cage. But w/the open litter pan, I think I'd stop at about 2/3rds the way down. Could that ladder go somewhere else, maybe?

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Looks greyt! Some birds won't use lower perches but it looks like you got one that will. Might try hanging something made of thin wood strips and plastic straws. Mine loves to shred those all day long.


Yeah i was also told that greys don't like being low down but i guess nonsense has a mind of her own, as do all our crazy greys. I put in a few light bulb boxes and a toilet roll holder, both stuffed with her treats so i hope that will keep her entertained for a bit.



Nonsense usually doesn't like much change that is why we were so surprised to find her in her new cage especially since her old cage was open and was next to the new one. I'm definitely going to do the same in future, just give it to her and let her choose if she wants it. I think us making a fuss about it made her nervous as well.


I also cant wait to get it filled up. Just got paid yesterday so hopefully this weekend i can find some cool stuff for her. We do have a swing just need to get it fitted into the cage. Haven't seen a boing in any of the pet shops i have been to, will check if i can get it online. My girlfriend just placed the ladder there yesterday i also don't like where it is. Any recommendations of where a good spot would be? Im also trying to get a grate fabricated for the bottom of the cage.


Any and all ideas are welcome :D

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They are all different. Timber uses every inch of his cage, including the bottom. He also liked to get on the floor. He will take his beloved blue plastic straw under his cage and I here his talons scrabbling around (he's attacking the straw) for many minutes at a time. He always sleeps on his highest perch, but the low ones are used for purposes unknown to me every day. The suggestions for toys are right on. Bells, boings, adding machine tape rolls are favorites here.


Timber also loves foraging for thing wrapped in cardboard or paper so you are on the right track there.

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