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Spy isn't as chirpy or vocal as usual?


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Am so glad that you contacted the vet and now you can relax a bit. Another plus is that you now have established a relationship with the vet clinic and they have baseline data for Spy. Everything sounds promising which was a relief to read this morning. Please do keep us all posted. I look forward to many more Spy stories as she gets back to her self.

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Spy has just died.

She started to breath heavily and then couldn't get her balance on her perch and she dropped dead. Tried to get her to the vets as there was a slightest sign of life and on the way on the phone he said there was nothing he could do. I'm devastated!!!

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Oh sweetie, I'm devastated for you. I hope you know you did everything you could for her. They are so good at hiding illness and you were so in tune with her you knew something was wrong. I hope you have someone there for you to hug you and care for you. Sending you huge internet hugs. ((( )))

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I just read and responded to your other thread. I'm so sorry for your loss. Spy was clearly well loved and cared for and you did absolutely everything you could for her. I'm so very sorry that this has happened and I appreciate how hard this must be for you and your family.

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Well it's been over ten days since I lost spy and I'd say emotionally it's been a rough ride.

Constantly going over everything I could of or should have done.

She was my companion and my friend. Better than any pet I've ever had and slipped right in as one of the family.

I've been reading and researching furiously to find an answer yet I still come up blank.

Everyone who I've spoken too said how good she was for me and how I shouldn't let her death stop me from buying another one in the future.

However she is irreplaceable. I feel her personality was so unique and we trusted each other so much a new bird would never meet the mark. If there was ever to be a new African grey in the house it wouldn't be for at least six months now. That's after I've gone on a holiday and come back as I wouldn't want to leave a grey with my family in charge and for something to happen. What do you think guys is there love after losing one grey?

Her cages and tree are still where they were and I bagged her toys up. I feel haunted where ever I go in the house as there are perches for her everywhere. But I did bury her in a sacred place in the grounds of a shrine at the top of a hill behind my house. So I know she will always be with me.

I thank you all so much for your sympathy and kind words. Each post and time spent thinking of me and spy and my family is greatly appreciated and helped so much. Just knowing that there are others who have the same bond and understand what a loss it is. I feel African greys elevate themselves to be more than just pets and as such command much more respect. Your posts helped greatly when I felt alone. But only time can heal. Then only in time with much more research on finding what would have caused her death will I be able to consider another grey. An autopsy wasn't possible. I don't think the vet had the capability and my daughter wanted to bury her rather than have her messed about.

I'm good at research and elimination so I will never give up until I find a list of what may have caused her death.

She was my spy, my friend and companion and curiosity. May she rest in peace and may I hear her chirping amongst the other birds outside each day.

Thank you again for all your kind words. I hope it's alright if I stay around and research through the archives and maybe ask a question or two. Also any advice would be taken gratefully on what I may have done wrong and what I may do better.

Take care everyone and please give your greys and extra scritch from me and spy.

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I believe that after you have had time to grieve for Spy you will want to open your heart to another grey. After you've experienced that close bond (unlike any other in my experience) it leaves a hole that needs to be filled. That's just my opinion and the way I feel. I'm not talking replacement here. You will always carry Spy in your heart.


The why and what questions you are asking are part of the grieving process. Remember that birds, like people and all species, are sometimes born with congenital heart or other defects that are undetectable or missed. No comfort I know, but sometimes things are just beyond our control.


God bless.

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What do you think guys is there love after losing one grey?

Her cages and tree are still where they were and I bagged her toys up. I feel haunted where ever I go in the house as there are perches for her everywhere. But I did bury her in a sacred place in the grounds of a shrine at the top of a hill behind my house. So I know she will always be with me.



There is. You can never replace what was lost but the memory will always be with you.


These are pictures of our little girl we lost we lost to PPD over the course of 7 months. It was a long and painful journey for us to watch her slowly deteriorate. She's not a Grey but she was super special to us. It's been three years and I can't believe that seeing her picture still makes me tear up. She's buried in a special place behind our bedroom window with a bird of paradise planted over her. We got another Jardines to fill the hole she left. He's nothing like her although they share some Jardine specific traits. We love him but we still miss her and always will.









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Under the circumstances, it may be an inevitable part of the process to question what you should have done differently. But the odds really are good that your fid came to you w/a fatal health issue. Unfortunately, it's normal for them to hide their symptoms so well that one day we look & they're just gone. More often than not, we don't even get to say good bye. You saw signs that are normally impossible to catch because you were so in tune w/Spy & so in love. Once you realize that, it will help, I think.


It would maybe be a good idea to let the breeder know, if you haven't already. That's not to say they did anything wrong. But 'just in case' it might eventually prove helpful for them to know.


It's crazy how once they've grabbed your heart strings, they're every one of them unique & irreplaceable, isn't it? And no matter how long we have together, it's never enough. But you guys went from such sweet joy to so much sorrow, in a matter of weeks. Of course it's going to take time. And maybe even then, it might be some other beautiful fid who finds their way into your heart vs another Grey. No matter. You're still a welcome part of the GF family. So it would be great if you stayed an active member on whatever terms you like. Through happy times & sad times, too.

Edited by birdhouse
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It's normal to feel this way hun. Django's 3 months death is today as well and I'm still struck by grief. My mum wants a new bird to care for and hope it will be the same bird as Django, but I honestly don't want another one. The idea of him being "replaced" like that just hurts me even more.


I still think, the way you described it that it could have been a possible poisoning without knowing, the way how Spy passed away in his last moments and not being chirpy, having normal poo just reminds me so much of how Django was before he passed away as well. We bought 2 new cages, one for Lorrito and one for the new bird (when we get him/ her) just to be sure it's not the cage and we replaced all the toys as well.


So stay strong /hug

Edited by Joyvke
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You need time to grieve and come to terms with the loss of Spy. Pets, no matter the species, become another family member and an integral part of your life. So give yourself the time you need to heal.

Please do stick around if you feel like it, we will always welcome any posts you make, regardless of whether or not you decide to welcome to a new bird into your home and heart. Only you can make that decision and only you can decide whether the time is right or not if you do choose to get another pet/bird. Spy will never be replaced and will always have a place in your memories.

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