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Working on Flight Recall

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I'd be embarrassed to tell you how long I've lived w/my guy. But I couldn't get him to come when called if I tied a bag of fresh roasted peanuts around my neck. So anyone who has that w/their fid gets big points from me (maybe leeetle beet of jealously, too ") ...& his eyes haven't even turned there!! Yep, definitely a keeper, that one!!

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I work on this one with Alfie a lot- but he's never done it consistently. I can bribe him with treats and toys as much as I want- if he doesn't want to be on my arm, he won't come! Mind you, he's like that with any kind of "command" (for want of a better word). Everything is on his terms!

I am also really jealous whenever I see videos of parrots who recall perfectly every time!

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