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Ollie survived surgery

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Ollie is doing well after getting many teeth removed. It was a tough recovery. I never thought it could be so hard to get liquid antibiotics and pain meds into a dog. Even Sophie watched and supervised kept yelling OLLIE! ( I am sure she was just repeating me, but I appreciated her support!) He is now eating his homemade stew, and I know Sophie is loving it too! Nancy

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Thanks all for the support! Ollie is doing well eating like crazy, and Sophie is happy to have her best friend back. Not only are our greys our best friends, they know when sickness is a threat. Ollie would not have survived surgery two weeks later as scheduled if not for Sophie. She let me know Ollies health was utmost important and I needed to move his surgery up.I did. Now she is treating him like usual, and that is good! Nancy

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Glad to hear Ollie is well. We had a similar issue with our family dog, a german shepherd. He was about 10 when he had to have surgery for his teeth and had to have most of them removed. It was a worrying time for us, as I know it was for you an Ollie. But he pulled through and once he got over the surgery and meds he was back to his old self again. So I was very pleased to hear Ollie is doing so well as I know how stressful it is to be in that situation!

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Ollie is doing fantastic! Eating like a pig, now can go long walks with me and visit some of our senior neighbors that I do. I use to worry about him biting, so never took him.Now he loves to come and meet new people. He is a joy for the senior people, and he is enjoying meeting them. NOT that I would ever encourage dog owners to neglect their teeth, which obviously I did, but I am glad he is able to eat and have good quality of life. Nancy

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I'm not sure how much you can do to prevent teeth problems in older dogs. Our family dog Ben had his teeth brushed regularly and had a daily "dentastix" to chew on and he still had teeth problems in his later years which required surgery.


Glad to hear Ollie is enjoying his visits with you. Sounds like he's had a new lease of life! :)

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