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Types of juice

Charlie Parker

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Hi all,

Just wondering if any of you guys have given your kid (grey), any types of fruit juices? Charlie seems to enjoy them a lot. I have given him the Welch's apple juice and some lemonade flavored strawberry. OH and he just absolutely has to have a gulp of my partner Andy's coffee in the morning, that's all the coffee he gets and I don't think that Andy let's him have it everyday. He also likes the juice that is with mandarin oranges. I bought some frozen veggies with lima beans in it the other day with the corn, carrots, peas and green beans in it as well. Charlie never had lima beans before, he seems interested at the moment.

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I have a rescue who was addicted to sunflower seed & peanuts. He acted like anything else was poisonous & would fling it as far away as possible. That included other types of seed btw. He was also so sick I almost lost him multiple times the first couple of years. So it was crucial that he got onto a good diet ASAP. Unfortunately the stress of switching over was dangerous, too. The average grey is notoriously difficult to convert. But since Phenix is wild-caught, he learned to forage in the jungle & was much much worse than average.


Thankfully even while he still hated us & every good thing edible, we found out that he loved to drink out of a cup. Enough even to let us hold it while he drank. Huge. It let us bond, got him on real food & it also taught him to play initially.


Cups & whatever we put in them are nothing short of magic. Use well & wisely!! :cool:


If Charlie already knows he likes some juices, he'll keep going back to try every mix conceivable. We're big on pink grapefruit &/or cranberry around here. Of course, the absolute fav is Simply Limeade - because it's not good for them. lol Way too much sugar. But they're perfectly happy when I squeeze limes for them, instead.


They're just like us about loving the bad stuff best. Like they all go for the coffee. But caffeine is bad for them because their hearts apparently over react. This is a good/bad list of foods among other things that might help while you explore Charlie's new palate. Food is wa-a-ay down. lol




After you've found Charlie's favorites, you can get him onto a greyt diet by mixing a bit of veggies & his fruit juice in the blender. Before you know it, you can have him graduated to smoothies, then chunky smoothies, then mash. It's not only painless, but actually fun.


Phenix became a totally new type of eater w/in a couple of months of discovering smoothies. But 25 yrs later, he still loves to drink from a cup ...see avatar ") Suggest you also check out Elvenking's vid's of Issac w/playing w/his cup!

Edited by birdhouse
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You can offer him some herbal teas rather than the coffee. Chamomile, Pear tea, a green tea you get the idea just avoid the caffeinated ones so their hearts don't go double time. They love a warm drink or treat it may remind them of their childhoods when their parents fed them.

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2 of my three parrots like juice. It's my tag , Talon's bedtime ritual, she says "thirsty bird", and that's my order to get her her nighttime juice she drinks out of a glass I hold for her, when she's done, she pushes the glass away with her beak, wipes her beak on her swirly perch, then steps up and I put her to bed!

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  • 10 months later...

I know this is an older thread, but my two love 100% grape / cranberry juice and cherry juice. It is a bedtime ritual for both of them, and has helped us to build trust with our newest rescue, Gracie. She is very timid, but not too timid to step up on a mug held by us to have some juice!

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I do give her chamomile tea daily in with her water, I have ever since we got her, just to help keep her calm during the transition. She seems so comfortable now that I will probably slack off on it soon!


I do highly recommend it when they are settling in to a new home. I think it helps tremendously!

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