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does Ollie have alzheimers?

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Came home from work, couldnt find Ollie, let Sophie out from bird room. She was talking about Ollie... found him in the basement. He has NEVER gone there... It stressed both me and Sophie! His behavior has been unusual lately. He is eating and drinking well, but finding him in unusual places! He escaped from his runner this weekend, and jumped in my neighbors arms. He would never have done that! Nancy

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Thanks all! I will try to add a dog park visit during the weekdays as well as weekends that we already do. He already gets a good walk after work, but maybe we need to go furthur. His new groomer ( his other one retired), said she would never have guessed his age. He acts like he is two. I would be THRILLED if this was just restless energy. He has always been healthy with no issues.

Sean home for the week, asked him to keep an eye on the behavior I discussed. The only thing different, other then going into basement, was barking at his door at 6am. ( I am already off to work). Sophie barking at the door also! LOL I am not concerned regarding this behavior. GET UP SEAN! Nancy

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I am back to being concerned. Woke up Sunday, Ollie vomited everywhere and wouldn't eat all day. Spent the entire day with him next to me. Once in awhile, he would jump down and stand in place. He was falling asleep standing up, shivering, and tipping over, but would correct himself. NOT normal! He did drink. Monday I made the dreaded vet appointment, leaving work at two on Tuesday. He ate some today and kept it down, drinking ok, and urinating. Mentally....lethargic, but able to carry out physically quite well. ( outside to pee). Not seeing him poop. Sophie is VERY concerned, and she always knows when something is wrong! I just lost Zoey a few years ago... not ready to lose Ollie too Nancy

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went to the vet today. Ollie had eaten, pooped and peed quite well today.Almost cancelled the appointment, but still was concerned over the weight loss. Down 1.5 pounds which is alot for a 10 pound dog. Met a woman whom had just adopted an African Grey. Ollie wanted to play with him! The owner was shocked that a dog would love a bird!

They drew bloodwork, suspect possibly diabetes, which I could live with. I will get more answers tomorrow. They will call me with the results.Everyone please say a prayer for Ollie please! Nancy

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Good news! I think. No diabetes, kidney or renal failure! White blood cell elevated. The one elevated is a sign of inflammation. Suspect gastritis. Starting prilosec. No guarantee he doesn't have cancer. I need to fatten him up, so if anyone has fattening recipes, I would appreciate it. He needs two teeth pulled, but I don't want to do it until he gains back his weight. She doesn't think that is what caused his nausea and vomiting.

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