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Our bedtime routine


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Dorian has carved out the cutest bedtime routine. At about 8:15 - 8:30 he'll start his tired birdy beeping, which is my cue to put him to bed. It melts my heart every time he lifts his little foot for me to pick him up when I think about the scared little cage bound birdy I brought to my home so many years ago. So we go to his cage and he steps down and immediately starts cooing and regurging for me. I close his door and walk around to his sleep perch. He follows me over there and then sometimes he steps right down onto his sleep perch. Other times he's not quite ready to get tucked in and he wanders around the cage a little bit. That's my cue to sit down at the desk and turn my back to him and pretend to work at the computer. Eventually I'll hear the bell that hangs near his sleep perch ring and when I look around he'll be on it ready for bed. Then I go to the door, turn out the hall light which puts him in the dark, and tell him goodnight. This is after years of bedtime being a real struggle and battle of wills, of me chasing him around his play stand and being driven almost to tears by a birdy that just wouldn't go to bed. So for those of you that struggle at bed time, there is hope. I think the key is - he never won those battles! I never gave up, or lost my temper, I just patiently chased him around until he gave up and gave in and went to bed. Now he really seems to enjoy bedtime. I wish I could video this little routine but we do it in the near dark. Gosh I love this little guy. <3

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I still have the ocassional battle of wills with Alfie when it comes to bed time. He knows that if he stands on the very top of his cage in the middle, I can't get him. Similarly, if he flies to the top part of the cat tree, I can't reach him there either. So it turns into a bit of a game of him trying to avoid me, or one of the perches I ask him to step up on. Similarly to you, I don't get mad, I don't shout, I just persevere. The lights get turned down lower so he knows it definitely is bed time and I just wait until he decides that this game of chase is getting boring and that it is actually time for bed. :P


I love that Dorian has a whole bedtime routine. It sounds adorable!

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What is it about putting these Greys to bed? My Caique and Jardines go to be willingly. Our Caique actually will ask me in his own little way that he wants to go. However when it comes to putting GreycieMae to bed, it's a battle. It used to be worse.


First she'll fly off my shoulder where she's been perched for as many hours as I've been home when it's getting close. Then when I try to go get her, I have to chase her through the living room kitchen. Then when I get her, if she manages to get back on my shoulder she hangs off my back where it's impossible to reach her. I have to use a wall to get her to the point where I can reach her. Then when I'm bending over to put her in after giving her lots of snuggles and kisses, she will try and get inside my shirt. It's cute and all but after three years I started to get irritated with it. She seems to have settled a bit with it in the last few months though. It doesn't take as long as it used to.

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Timber doesn't give me "much" grief at bedtime. Like everyone, I've found routine and timing is critical. I.e. same time every night, everything in the "correct" order, etc. Even a little thing like giving him his cashew before I give the cats their treats can cause issues though. The cats get their treats first, then Timber gets his cashew. Can't forgt that pecking order!

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Bedtime seems to be very difficult for many of us! Congrads to dorian and Acappella. We suffered as well when Sophie first came home. Her complaints and excuses were equal to a simple two year old. We read to her nightly her favorite books and did so at the same hour. Eventually, we became very firm that it was bedtime and put her on the floor in front of her cage. She did climb up. As time went on with the same routine,she started putting herself to bed around four. Nancy

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The only problem I have with my greys when getting them to bed is that once I ask them to step up they fly around and then back to their room/cages to be put inside. I believe they just want to release all the extra energy before being locked up. Routines. greys love routines.

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My problem is quite the opposite from those here. It is Misty who decides when it is bed time!I will be watching a film on TV and Misty will decide "It's bed time" I will say "Not yet I am still watching the film" He will patiently wait for a few minutes but then "It's bed time!" . Me " not yet! ". After another while. Misty, " It's bedtime now!" . Finally, he loses patience. I get "It's bed time, now! OK!!" At that point, I give in. We go to our appropriate sleeping places. :)


Steve n Misty

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That's very very sweet :) I remember when Sully and bedtime were two words that you could never put together! I can definitely relate. He hated going into his cage at night and I would feel just terrible locking the door on him as he fought to stay out. I wish I knew then what I know now! But we worked through it together and now bedtime is the sweetest time for us :) Sully gets so cuddly, wanting to share whatever he's eaten recently, wanting scratches and rolling right over to his back (which is new!!!). We needed a routine and understanding. That we have now :) So happy you two figured out what works for you both as well!!

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