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Falling off perch while sleeping


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Congo has fallen off his swing twice in a week while sleeping. He's not bothered as he climbs right back up and get back on but he's never done it before for the five months or so I've had him (not while I've been around anyhow). My thoughts are because the base of the swing is smooth plastic and round he's having trouble gripping? Any more thoughts? It freaks me out when it happens!

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Absolutely. Scary as all get out when they come crashing down! I'm always afraid they'll break a bone or blood feather or something. Like Sterling said, the vet wrap would give it better grip if the perch part of the swing isn't the replaceable type.


There are some health concerns incl vitamin deficiency, chemical imbalance type issues that can cause coordination problems, to. So maybe watch Congo a little closer for a while.


Also, advanced age. I had a teil who started doing this when he was about 24 yo. He'd been in his cage forever, though & I was afraid it would upset him to move him. I set up the cage w/an extreme bunch of twiggy branches everywhere so he always had someplace more like a cradle to sit rather than simple perches to balance on & that did nicely for him. A boing might also be an alternative to a traditional swing if this is going to be a consideration going forward. Still high, still swings (some) but better grip & easier balance.

Edited by birdhouse
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Dorian sometimes slips when he's napping on my computer. I think it's because he can't get as good a grip there, but considering he's only 2" off the surface of the desk I don't worry about it. I'm just happy he's so happy and relaxed when so near me that he Can nap. I echo what the others said. Get some vet wrap and wrap it around the perch. Try to get a colour that matches the perch natural colour so that it doesn't scare him away from the perch.

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Thanks for the tips. Observing him today it appears that he gets a bit unsteady when he's on one leg on the swing. The local pet shop had never heard of vet wrap so I ordered some online. Unfortunately I have a friend whose partner is a vet so she should have been able to sort me some but they've just gone on holiday! I can't change the swing as it's his favourite thing so that would be mean!


He seems fine otherwise :)

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I agree with the vet wrap, but also put a folded towel on the bottom of the cage so when he does fall it will be a softer landing. My timneh gets night terrors and when she falls to the bottom she doesn't get hurt as she lands in a soft place.

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