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Hi Jara! You have an extremely cute baby there. Do you have plans for a bigger cage? That one is alright for baby as you don't want them falling etc but when she's bigger, she'll need lots of play room.


Yes! I think something like that will be perfect. At the moment I have no free space for big cage. After 1 mounth I will start home repairs and will make more space and playground for her.


At the moment she only sleep in the cage. At other times she is outside.

Edited by papi92
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I would say that one is a little on the small side for a Grey. I've also found those seed gaurds to be absolutely useless and they just take up real estate. I think one of the real popular cages you see a lot has an interior dimension of 30x30. That's the cage we have but my Grey is out most of the time.

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Welcome to Grey Forums, papi92! Jara is very pretty & I think very loved, just from the sheer number of pics ")


She should be be ok in her current cage for a month'ish, if she's given enough time out of it. But she needs to be developing muscles & coordination which she can't do if she's confined like that. The sooner she can get into a big bird cage, the better.


The bigger the cage, the better, too. Although I do realize they might be harder to come by & expensive, it's an investment that treated right, should last for 12-15 yrs. So maybe spend this next month really investigating your options & feel free to ask opinions. Cages are something we all have experience with, all have opinions about & all have a different list of features that we feel work best.


Meanwhile, that little girl needs her something to do!! lol Playing is exercise. This is also the time she needs to learn how to play & not to be afraid of new toys. Be prepared, it's not uncommon for Greys to be afraid of new things. So it's a good idea to introduce all new things (very) slowly.


Greys are also very, very smart & it doesn't do good things for them when they spend all day staring into space. So this is a bunch of everyday things she might like. There are foot toys you could start with. You can make smaller versions of some of the strung up creations to fit your limited cage space. Or instead, you might attach things to the outside of the cage so they're accessible but not taking up valuable living space.


parrot enrichment bk 1

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She is absolutely adorable! But as the others have said, a much bigger cage is best. I buy macaw size cages for my parrots. Once you start filling them with perches, food bowls and toys, they get quite small inside. The bigger they are, the happier they are I find.

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When I'm home she do not want to sit in the cage. She must be outside. Otherwise, shouting and pounding. Necessarily will change it with biger. The current dimensions: 28x24x20 inches.


Her wings are becoming more severe. Sometimes keeps them hanging.


I added some new photos to Jara Album.

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No way! This cage is huge!!! Sophie has a few cages that she likes. One is much bigger, one is smaller. She likes the smaller cage. It really doesn't matter for Sophie, as cage size means nothing.Sophie is not cage bound, and plays on her gym, waits for me to come home and then she is out in the kitchen. Her cage is for nutrition and safety. Nancy

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I use the bigger cages as well, most are approximately 3' wide and 5' tall. As until this week have always been working outside the home and we have dogs and cats cage time when there is no supervision is a safety thing. It is fun to stuff the cages with fresh cut branches from our crape Myrtle and Magnolia so the birds have to work to get to their food dishes.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Peter,


Welcome to the forum, I'm also pretty new here and have found everyone to be extremely helpful. I hope you find all the answers you looking for. I look forward to see more of your posts on the forum and definitely more pics of jara.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi guys! A long time since I've written in this thread. Some time ago we got a new bigger cage for our varmint. You can see it in this album of the last photos. It used to his new home for two days.


I do not know why but she loves to sit in the refrigerator. When I open it immediately comes into it.

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