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It's been a while...


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I'm sorry I have not been around much. Life with 77 birds keeps me pretty busy. We've gone from 1 volunteer to seven, and a couple of groups wanting to come in for big projects so it's not just me carrying most of the load any more. There's still an awful lot to be done as far as day to day care, though, and all the stuff that goes along with moving us forward and growing as an organization. I invite everyone who is on FB to check out Marden's Ark. You can find the link on our website on any page near the top in about the middle of the page.


I know a few of you are already following us on Facebook, so this is not news to you, but for everyone else - I bought Marden's parents from the breeder who had them. They are now officially EX-breeders. They are adjusting very well to being in close proximity with humans, although the whole vet visit set the trust-building back a few notches. We have given both African names. Marden's mother is called Ife (ee-FAY) which means "love", and his father is called Adom (ah-DOME) which means "grace".




I apologize for the poor quality. I try not to use the flash so most pictures are dark and grainy. Adom is the one in front, Ife is behind him in the picture. She's done some plucking, but I haven't been seeing feathers since she's been here. The red is a large fleece blanket that gives them privacy. They are both eating like champs and are already eschewing the nasty Mazuri pellets in favor of all the fresh foods offered. It's easy to see that Marden got his disposition from his mother. She will often remain on the perch at the back of the cage while I move the cage out to get behind and open their window on nice days. I've had my hand inches from her. She watches everything with a look of cautious curiosity. Adom is a little more high-strung but not so much as Megan is. Marden was the spitting image of his father. The first few days here I could not look at him without bursting into tears. It is almost like seeing a ghost.


They've been to the vet and both had very thorough physicals. Both were microchipped and the bands that were clamped on their legs years ago when they were brought to this country removed. Adom is not "too thin" but "thinner than" their doctor would like so they are being offered a wide range of delicacies and double portions of all fresh foods.


We talk a lot. I tell them about our son, and how much I loved him, and how much I love them and want to see them fly. I don't know if they are ready to believe me just yet, but eventually, the trust will happen. It took several days, but they've been introduced to toys and at least Ife has been observed playing happily. The first toy was destroyed in just a couple of days.


If you are wondering why this wasn't posted in the rescue forum - these are not "Marden's Ark" birds. I purchased them with my own funds and they are a part of my family. Although they are undeniably linked to Marden's Ark, as if it were not for them, there would have been no Marden, and thus no Marden's Ark. But to me they are honored Grey members of my family and my flock.


I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I try to pop in here as much as I can when time allows!

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My Bailey's mother died last year, but I still visit the breeder and his father. The breeder had stopped breeding after Bailey's clutch. I know what you mean about how you feel. I have an agreement with Bailey's breeder that if she cannot care for the remaining birds, I will take them in. At this point, there is only Bailey's father, another male Grey, a Blue & Gold Macaw, 2 cockatiels, and a Blue Quaker. Thank goodness that I have a basic friendship with them all. When, (if), they come to me, we already have a bond. As always, thank you for the great work that you are doing!

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My Bailey's mother died last year, but I still visit the breeder and his father. The breeder had stopped breeding after Bailey's clutch. I know what you mean about how you feel. I have an agreement with Bailey's breeder that if she cannot care for the remaining birds, I will take them in. At this point, there is only Bailey's father, another male Grey, a Blue & Gold Macaw, 2 cockatiels, and a Blue Quaker. Thank goodness that I have a basic friendship with them all. When, (if), they come to me, we already have a bond. As always, thank you for the great work that you are doing!


God bless you for looking out for them. Some people think "breeder bird" means a vicious, mean, wild bird. I have to say out of the 75 birds in our care, the "wild" ex-breeders and wild-caught "pet" birds are often the easiest to deal with. It's the "hand-raised" baby that we've had since she was weaned that bites me the most, and the hardest. The wild birds show erratic, fearful behaviors that make them see "wild" or "vicious" but if shown respect, (which is really all they ask for) they can be amazing friends. And they don't have that "needy" aspect like a hand-raised (human-socialized) bird.

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Stunning greys!


Thanks so much. Adom is in perfect feather. Even his facial expressions look like Marden. It's a bit of an emotional rollercoaster at times. Ife, on the other hand, is a little plucked but has the most amazing, gentle soul. I love both of them deeply.

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What an amazing thing to do! Marden would be pleased. Nancy


Thanks, Nancy. I hope Marden watches over them. I hope they understand the love I had for our son. And having them is spurring me to continue to press on towards getting flighted solutions for the birds here. Because truly, they deserve nothing less. Ripped from the sky decades ago, by human greed, any happiness I can give them will never be enough to make up.

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