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Dorian's new favourite perch.


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This is Dorian's new favourite perch, siting on top of my computer within snatching distance of my computer keys. I shudder to think of what the inside of the computer looks like with all his dust, even though I vacuum it every time the machine is out. He'll sit here foot tucked, beak grinding, for an hour at a time, then go for a wander on the desk, usually getting into something he shouldn't be. That's my boy!


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Aw so cute! I have to blow my pc out so often because of all the dust from Sully. You're brave letting him so close to your laptop! lol Sully is allowed to climb around my chair but not on my desk (I've been through one too many keyboards and mice!). He does make a mad dash down my arm and onto the desk when given the chance but rolls right over onto his back so it's turned into a game. Dorian looks quite cozy there! lol

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Dorian looks ever so charming and beautiful sitting in his cozy spot. He looks as if he is the gatekeeper of your computer time. Your boy has come a long way! I can't imagine him getting in trouble on your desk, surely you exaggerate. LOL, I remember his obsession with toppling your mug.

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Well he broke that mug and has moved his obsession onto my new one. He's still trying to get a sip of tea every time I have a cup'a. As for getting into trouble, my keyboard doesn't have a w key anymore and the cable protector I have wrapped around the cords on my desktop looks like a piece of abused Swiss cheese. I can't believe he doesn't say 'No'. He certainly hears it enough.

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The funny thing about telling them 'no': I swear they believe it's optional, like merely just a suggestion. I got struck in the side of the head yesterday after the 5th time of scolding GreycieMae with a stern 'NO' trying to get the zipper teeth off my jacket. She got tired of my 'suggestion' and decided to reprimand me for suggesting 'NO' too many times. I must be very dense from her perception.

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