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Curious about this behaviour


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I've uploaded a couple of videos to youtube of Alfie this morning in the hopes that someone might know more about this behaviour that Alfie is displaying.


I was wondering if you could look at them and let me know more about this behaviour. It is something he has always done- But recently he is doing it a lot more often and for longer periods of time. This morning he started up as I was getting ready for work and was about to leave. As I went to walk out the room he also leaned forward on a perch and brought his wings up as if he was going to launch himself into flight. Is it possible hes getting upset about me leaving?

(One I was actually out of the room he went back to whistling and saying "see you later!" though- he would only start up this behaviour when I entered the room.




At the beginning of October I went away for a week for a training course and this behaviour seems to be happening more often since I've returned. Not sure if it's related or not.


Any input would be much appreciated!

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He is 12 years old. I suspected it might be love bug behaviour but wasn't 100% sure. When I came back from my course a couple of weeks ago he did get very excited and regurgitated for me (then ate it, as usual!). I thanked him but did not interact with him in any other way at the time. (e.g did not touch him)


Nancy- sorry about the audio. He makes very soft noises when he does this. Bit difficult to describe. But they obviously don't get picked up very well!


I don't really do anything (that I'm aware of) before this behaviour starts. I normally go downstairs and say good morning whilst I'm collecting all my stuff up for work and preparing lunch etc. If he wants a head/neck scratch before I leave then he gets one but I hadn't even got that far this time. I guess he's just getting a bit over excited?

I'll have to have a look at what I do/how I act in the mornings with him and see if I can try and keep things calm as I think Sterling is right, he does seem to be getting frustrated.


Don't get me wrong, I'm happy he likes me, I just don't want him to get stressed out by it!

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Sophie a little bit older... still does the regurg thing, especially when she has had alot of fun! Not sexual at all for us. I know she thinks its a " gift!" She will regurg into my hand after working hard to give it to me. I always say " thank You", and she is pleased. She does this maybe once a week.

Even as they get older, they do something new...just when you think life is easy!

I suspect your bird missed you very much, while you were away.I also believe it is " mentally healthy" for them to have parents leave and come back and see that you will ALWAYS come back. Nancy

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Thanks Nancy. He has always regurgitated... but never drops it anywhere- just eats it! (ew) He doesn't do it that often. Not often enough for me to provide a timescale for it anyway.


These noises and behaviour aren't new- but it's just that he's doing it much more regularly (most weekday mornings when I'm heading off to work at the moment). I was just curious as to what it might mean because he's doing it more regularly. I haven't been away for a couple of years. Previously I went away for a week or two on holiday once a year but he's never really reacted like this. My schedule has changed slightly in that I now go to work an hour later than usual- so maybe he's picked up on that?


I was just hoping to get a bit more insight into it and to see if I need to worry or not. :)

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It looks like love! lol I know the concern that it will get frustrating for him. Dorian wakes up every morning in this lovey mood, and goes to bed every night in the same mood. He doesn't seem frustrated. I just tell him I don't want his food, thank you. He hears this so often I'm surprised he doesn't say it. Just don't encourage it. You know the drill. Don't pet him in any sensitive zones, especially when he's "in the mood". The timing is curious. I guess he was just so glad to see you after your short absence that he wanted to show you loves!

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Alfie LOVES neoow! Well he should! I am not sensing any sexual aggression, but maybe just adjusting to his new time table. Sophie can sense a half hour difference in any changes in our life. Maybe just the time away, new schedule, is bothering Alfie. I know he will adjust quite well. Try to add another half hour in the morning and see if that helps. I know from the video, you are very loved and that goes a long way in my book Nancy

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Thanks all


He only ever gets head and back of neck scratches. Anywhere else would make him shuffle away or give me a warning shot. So no worries there! I usually just say thank you and let him get on with eating it when he regurgitates.

I hadn't even touched him when I took these videos- he hadn't had any head scratches or anything. It was just whilst I was darting about getting my things together and having a chat with him whilst I did it.

I'll try and adjust the order I do things and when I get up and see if that helps.

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