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Sophie and my vacation


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Josey just loves husband a little differently like you said. Josey doesn't love him more...just knows what she can get away with! LOL! Sophie thinks Ryan and Sean are AWESOME! I am always the bad guy and so be it.In any emergency, or if she is not comfortable, who do you think she turns too? Just another day in parent paradise. It was great to be free of responsibility for a week. Kids saved their texts and I got bombarded the day I came home. Nancy

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It was so much fun. I thought of it as an adventure driving down during a possible hurricane! ( I am not stupid though!) My girlfriend is a nervous ninny, so when we hit torrential down pours and flash flooding... I didn't wake my friend. ( I needed to focus on the road!) We had three days of sun. Fishing was awesome! My son and nephew went deep sea fishing for a day, and caught 35 pounds of fish. What a fantastic time! Nancy

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It's always difficult going away. I spent 5 nights in London last week on a training course and had to leave Alfie at home with my housemate. It meant Alfie was cagebound for a week as my housemate wouldn't dare let him out (and I wouldn't really encourage him too either) but my housemate did make an effort to talk to him more than he usually does because he felt sorry for him. Alfie was mostly quiet during the week but did offer up the odd hello and beep noise. When I got home, however, Alfie was super excited to see me. I was allowed to give him LOTS of neck scratches and Alfie started dancing, trying to beat box (something we're working on), whistling and saying hello and 'good day' a lot. He's been contact calling me every time I leave the room too.


Nice to feel loved!


(The cats were more interested in my bags than me!)

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So good to hear Alfie did well! You don't sound like you were punished too much, which is a good thing! Sophie was such a brat when she was a youngster, and made sure I suffered for 24-48 hours. I took my lumps...sucked up, even though I felt no guilt. ( I pretended to though!) Once she felt my penance was done, she acted like nothing happened! Our greys can be monsters! LOL! ( gotta love them!) Nancy

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