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Keeping an african grey entertained


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I go to school from Monday to Friday every week and am gone from 8:30 to about 3:40 so I am looking for some tips to keep Lilly entertained while I am gone. I have a radio I leave on for my budgies and tiels right now but I know an African grey will probably get bored more easy. She will be in my bedroom with my other 4 so that might make it easier for her but I am just wanting to make sure she stays happy. she is used to being ignored from what I know to:(

Edited by parrotlover13
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I go to school from Monday to Friday every week and am gone from 8:30 to about 3:40 so I am looking for some tips to keep Lilly entertained while I am gone. I have a radio I leave on for my budgies and tiels right now but I know an African grey will probably get bored more easy. She will be in my bedroom with my other 4 so that might make it easier for her but I am just wanting to make sure she stays happy. she is used to being ignored from what I know to:(


This is a great question. I also go away to work and am gone from 9AM to about 6PM. I leave a television Isaac can actually see going for both sounds and visuals. (Disney channel to keep it light) I also find things he likes to gnaw on (like empty water bottles) and jam them in the cage. Seems that those are timeless entertainment for him...he loves to chew them...and I love to drink water. The tough part is finding things they take to, but when you find that...make sure they have access to it in some way during the day if it is possible. Isaac is tough because his favorite toy is me. He walks all over my floors playing with kitchenware, cups and other things. Experiment a lot and find things they like. Lots of people suggest parts of a book to jam in the bars of the cage for chewing....I use bottles....cardboard can work....I make toys out of plastic container caps and wooden balls. The key is to try a lot and see what sticks. Good luck and share your discoveries. :)

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Most of people have the same concern. But a lot, maybe even most, don't have any other birds for company. My guys don't seem to have much of a relationship w/each other. So I don't know how much the company is worth, really. But I figure if nothing else, it's better than being alone.


They may eventually get used to sitting & staring into space. But even the little birds really need to be kept amused. There are actually more & more interesting store bought toys available than there used to be. But there is also a price to pay for them. You can help defray the cost by buying parts from some places. And you can make your own, probably better & definitely cheaper. There's a whole lot of ideas on this site & in these books.







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We always want to find distracting toys and ways for our birds to fight boredom, which leads to destructive behavior. But also remember birds naturally occupy themselves with preening, grooming, napping, and being their normal obsessive selves. Simple things often occupy my Bailey for a long time. They'll be fine while everyone is at school, work, or whatever.

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I use Nickelodeon on the tv about 3 days a week, another day I play the Bird sitter dvd, and one day I play a repeated cd of songs for my Amazon as she loves to sing. Also I put toy buckets in their cages, small wooden toy parts wrapped individually in paper or coffee filters or baking cups. Phone books Are fun or small cardboard boxes for them to chew up

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