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Bird Bath


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I know a lot of people have routines with showering and bathing their birds. Isaac will attack me if i try to spray him and he is not in his cage....but he will be tolerant if I do it while he perches in his cage. Sometimes...after i give him a shower....he will stand on the edge of his water dish that is on his play stand and flap his wings lightly trying to throw the water on himself....looking as if he is trying to take a bath. So....does anyone have a suggestion on something I could set up to give him the opportunity to try to take his own bath, but I am not sure what this will look like. I can't just put a bowl or a dish on the counter...he'll knock that stuff over. I am almost imagining a stand of some sort. Can anyone help me with ideas....I would LOVE to see him bathe himself.

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I don't know what it is about Greys, but they truly do love ice in their bath water. The lady we got GreycieMae from told us to be sure and use ice in her bath water. So we use a big glass casserole dish with ice water. I can put that in their outdoor aviary where I don't have to lift a finger to clean up. I also put it on the counter next to the sink and she loves to jump off the top of the water faucet into the ice batch over and over and over again.


Here's what we use:

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I don't know what it is about Greys, but they truly do love ice in their bath water. The lady we got GreycieMae from told us to be sure and use ice in her bath water. So we use a big glass casserole dish with ice water. I can put that in their outdoor aviary where I don't have to lift a finger to clean up. I also put it on the counter next to the sink and she loves to jump off the top of the water faucet into the ice batch over and over and over again.


Here's what we use:



Ohhh my that is so precious. Well...you do learn something every day. Ice water....HA! The video is wonderful...would love to see Isaac do this.

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What a neat video Sterling! That is the exact type pan (even down to the design) I use for Timber. In his case I set it in the bottom of his cage when he is throwing water from his water bowl on himself. He will often dive right in. He has to be in the mood of course.


Neoow, that looks very interesting. I suspect it would take Timber a year of looking at it to venture near it though ;)

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What a neat video Sterling! That is the exact type pan (even down to the design) I use for Timber. In his case I set it in the bottom of his cage when he is throwing water from his water bowl on himself. He will often dive right in. He has to be in the mood of course.


Neoow, that looks very interesting. I suspect it would take Timber a year of looking at it to venture near it though ;)


Alfie was pretty good about it. I left it nearby (but away from his cage) then progressed to hanging it outside his cage, then inside his cage. I showed him that there was water in it and ow much fun he could have with it.


The main thing I don't like about it is that it is all plastic- so I don't leave it in his cage all the time because I know he'd take chunks out of it. The other thing that interests him is the nuts that hold it together- he likes playing with them and trying to unscrew them. So I have to make sure they are all tightened before I put it in his cage.


He mostly ends up sitting on top of it instead of bathing in it! So not a complete success- but he has at least flicked some water around inside it. Maybe one day he will realise he can fit inside it and enjoy himself!

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Each time I spray Isaac and give him the best shower I can give him....he almost always ends up by one of his water dishes trying to get his own bath going. So I figure...I can get a casserole dish....fill it with water and place it somewhere he can get at it...or near his play stand...shower him up a little, and see if he puts the two together...we'll see.

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The way Isaac is so comfortable in the kitchen, I wonder if he would try the ice water bath if you put it on a towel on the counter and progressed to putting it in the sink? Java loves to play with the ice water when I sit it up on her playtop but Miss Gilbert thinks she will melt if spritzed or otherwise tempted to bathe. Sterling, your video is great. I love little Rio trying to get in on a little of the bobbing for ice cubes and Gracie Mae is having no part of sharing. Java enjoyed the video and giggled at the whole scene.

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Dorian also prefers his bath water to be cold rather than warm. Every time this summer I took him out and put ice water in his water bowl he went to town splashing around. It's much harder to get him to bathe in the winter. He just seems to feel that cold al fresco bathes are the best!

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Brutus HATES baths. I solve this problem by rolling him in his cage outside and hosing him off. I do it sensitively, of course, in that I don't surprise him and I praise him for tolerating the spray. This accomplishes two things, he gets sunlight, and he gets a bath. He only gets a bath once a week though. I take this time to hose off their cages too. I know you live near me and this could work for you too.

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Brutus HATES baths. I solve this problem by rolling him in his cage outside and hosing him off. I do it sensitively, of course, in that I don't surprise him and I praise him for tolerating the spray. This accomplishes two things, he gets sunlight, and he gets a bath. He only gets a bath once a week though. I take this time to hose off their cages too. I know you live near me and this could work for you too.


You do live close! Yeah...I have been spraying Isaac in the corner of his cage. He is really good about dancing around trying to avoid getting wet...but I get him pretty good. For now it's the way.

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That's not going to be doing good things for the bright, shiny, paint job on that nice new cage, though.



Mine have all pretty much learned to tolerate showers, fortunately. I usually do them 2 at a time - misery really does love company };-> Even so, when it's warm enough to take them out (during our 3-1/2 wks of summer) the simplest thing for me is to bath them when they're in their travel cages. For one, they ain't going very far! But I also don't have to worry about getting the cage, perches, food (especially) toys, and everything else soaked. And of course, it's way cheaper to replace the little cage when the paint goes.


Also, my hands aren't what they used to be. So that spray bottle, which no one was ever that fond of, got replaced w/a lawn sprayer. I had always thought part of the problem was certain types of bottles & the sound of certain pumps. W/this big ole contraption, I pump it up beforehand & it sprays real nice & quietly too.


I won't claim they actually "like" it. But they don't seem to mind it as much, at least. So that's something since I'd always hated feeling like bath time was synonymous w/torture. You know?

Edited by birdhouse
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That's not going to be doing good things for the bright, shiny, paint job on that nice new cage, though.



Mine have all pretty much learned to tolerate showers, fortunately. I usually do them 2 at a time - misery really does love company };-> Even so, when it's warm enough to take them out (during our 3-1/2 wks of summer) the simplest thing for me is to bath them when they're in their travel cages. For one, they ain't going very far! But I also don't have to worry about getting the cage, perches, food (especially) toys, and everything else soaked. And of course, it's way cheaper to replace the little cage when the paint goes.


Also, my hands aren't what they used to be. So that spray bottle, which no one was ever that fond of, got replaced w/a lawn sprayer. I had always thought part of the problem was certain types of bottles & the sound of certain pumps. W/this big ole contraption, I pump it up beforehand & it sprays real nice & quietly too.


I won't claim they actually "like" it. But they don't seem to mind it as much, at least. So that's something since I'd always hated feeling like bath time was synonymous w/torture. You know?


Since I got him a new cage, my old way is not going to work anyway. His old cage was wiped down enough to keep rust from setting in. So he was good. Now there is too much space in the cage for him to get away from me. So it is going to have to be his travel cage now.

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