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re Novalee


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I have a hard time telling the color of her eyes in the photos. Our babies eyes turned from black to silver to the golden yellow in the first eighteen months. At six months their eyes were gray or silver in color. If Novalee's eyes are a silver gray color she could be the age you describe. It could be my monitor or it could be that the eye color is gradual and subtle. If you look at Greywings' or Judygram's avatar you can see a closer view of the adult straw color eyes.

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Two year olds rock! We got Sophie at age two as well THE most important age, as well as entering the " terrible two's" Their brain is just ready and willing... teach me! I also had a baby Amazon, but nothing compared to a grey's development at age two. You are gonna need us to help you, for the most amazing ride of your life! Start reading anything and everything on " stepup, step down." ( yes... this is a MUST in bird development). I did this with all my birds. Eventually, you never have to ask again to " stepup", they just have one foot ready and waiting! Nancy

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Yes I been working on that since we got her after we started with Dixon. It's getting better not 100% but will get their. Since you said read what should I be reading about??? I been reading on behavior problems like biting.

Edited by Speedygo
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You should DEFINITELY be reading about biting, diet, stepup training.We adopted a grey, that was entering terrible twos, had a private nanny, and we had no Grey experience! Can you imagine? LOL.... Six months later...I knew, when she finally understood. She had been living on " wrist status only", family always involved. She never had an opportunity to accept just one of us, to be her favorite.

The day she was on my wrist, biting the air, saying " NO BITE", I knew she finally understood.. I went crazy! I called the kids, told them Sophie finally understands! We had a celebration! Sophie, thought we were crazy! That was the last day, any of us were ever bit. More than a decade later, we don't have to ask for stepup or step down. She just does it! Kids off at college, they all skype. Sophie sees Ryan once a year, and she will " knock you down", to greet him. They never forget those that have been involved in their lives. Nancy

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  Speedygo said:
Hello how can I know how old my African grey is??? I bought one bird at that time he told me she was 6 months old. My gf believe she is older like 3-4 years going by we read online for eye color attachment.php?attachmentid=26418&stc=1. attachment.php?attachmentid=26419&stc=1



This the generally accepted eye color change which can vary either way by 2 to 5 mts. =================================================


Eyes opening up to 6 mts.--------------From black to medium/light grey

6 mts. to 1 year----------From Medium/Light Grey to beige white

1 year to 1 1/2 years-----------Beige white to pure white

1 1/2 years to 3 1/2 years------------- White .

4 1/2 years to 5 1/2 years-------------------White with the hint of yellow mixing in the white.

5 1/2 years into adulthood --------------------Yellow------white disappears


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