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Dorian at the groomer


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Well, it was that time of year. His Nibs nails and beak were a little long (I wish he could learn to chew so he could keep his beak trimmed himself), so off to the groomer we went. I cram his travel cage into the front seat of the car and we drive the half hour to see Carol. She also boards birds, so there are always lots of big and littles there for mom to play with. lol I got lots of 'Too cuddles! His eyes got huge when he saw and heard the U2 named Peaches, and when she opened up her wings and had a flap Dorian panicked and had a bit of a flight, ending up clinging to some wall mounted metal art and needing a rescue from mom. I think he remembered being there last year because this year he didn't growl or scream as much as he did the first time he was there. It was like he knew what was happening and while he wasn't happy (he did 'cry' a bit) he didn't fight or bite. She always has two people there, one to hold him in the towel, and one to do the actual trimming. He chewed the towel a lot, but otherwise he was a very good boy, and then I swooped in and rescued him. lol


So I got him home and he wouldn't come out of his travel cage. He sat in there with his back to me for hours, until just before bedtime when he decided he would finally step up for me onto his play stand. Then he had a little preen and a nap, which he never does during the day, and then he stepped up and I tucked him into bed. They did a great job. He had one talon that was quite long (he never lets me trim the tip off this one like he does with most of the others) so they hit the quick on that one and it bled a little, so I imagine it was a little sore, but what an improvement as far as how flush that nail is with the floor now. I was feeling like a bad mommy looking at that nail. We had a quiet day yesterday, with him napping again, but he seems to have forgiven me today and everything is back to normal. He's a little clumsy without his needle sharp talon tips but I know he'll get used to it, and get them sharpened right up lol. It always hurts my heart when I hear him in any kind of distress but I know it needed to be done and they're very good with him which is why we drive all the way there instead of going to the non-avian vet who is right here in town who does beaks and talons. I trust him with my cat Jac but not with Dorian. Lots of treats and desk time for Dorian today!

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It's wonderful that you take care of him like you do and you have a great resource to do the trimming. It is always stressful it seems when that must be done. He handled it well and just his back to you for a few hours in protest to let you know he did not appreciate it made him feel like he got you back. Now that your even and he will enjoy the desk time with you. Thanks for sharing this. :)

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Love that you got to swoop in for the rescue. Think of how much has changed in the time you have had him. Even in the year since his last visit to the groomer he has gained confidence. I can only imagine him in his travel cage with his back to you. I think of Gil and how she needs to have the lights down low and have her quiet time to wind down after something that has "assaulted her senses". Glad to know he weathered the storm and returned so quickly to normal.

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Way to go Dorian!


Alfie refuses to come out of his travel cage when he gets home from being somewhere. Doesn't matter if it's going to the vet to have his beak sorted (which is usually an annual thing, thankfully) or whether he's just come with me to visit my parents (he grew up in my parents house so it's nice to take him back there every so often). When I get him home I have to leave the door open and let him get on with it. I offer him a hand to step up on to every so often and he'll usually either ignore it or ask for scratches instead. Eventually after a while he will step up or climb out of the cage himself.

It doesn't bother me, as I expect it each time. I just wonder what's going on inside his head, bearing in mind he doesn't really like going in the travel cage in the first place. You'd think he'd be out of it like a shot when the opportunity arose... but no. He doesn't puff up or get angry about it- he just seems to like sitting there for a bit before coming out. I wonder if he feels the need to just readjust after visiting a different place. I know he doesn't really like being in the car all that much so maybe he just needs a bit of quiet/calm time to reflect before he wants to get out and play/explore/fly/go back to his big cage.

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Awww. Dorian recovered quite quickly! Its always important as parents to be there and support them. NEVER show that you are nervous or worried, as they pick up on that. You were strong and supportive! I completely understand how nice it would be when your bird takes care of their feathers, beak and talon. Sophie does that now, but it did take her until the age of eleven to perfect it. It is a long process, but we know, everything is on grey time. Nancy

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Love that you got to swoop in for the rescue. Think of how much has changed in the time you have had him. Even in the year since his last visit to the groomer he has gained confidence. I can only imagine him in his travel cage with his back to you. I think of Gil and how she needs to have the lights down low and have her quiet time to wind down after something that has "assaulted her senses". Glad to know he weathered the storm and returned so quickly to normal.


It was less a need for some quiet time and more an out and out sulk. lol The napping was what let me know how exhausting the experience was for him. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen Dorian have a proper nap, head tucked back and all. He just never does it. Sometimes when he's sitting on my computer he'll tuck up a foot and close his eyes for a few minutes, but I never see him in full sleep mode. Poor little guy. Even though I've found good groomers that I trust, I heartily wish I didn't have to go to them, it's so hard on him. Oh well. Into each life a little rain must fall, eh?

Edited by Acappella
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