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TAKING IN A 3yo African Grey This Weekend


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This weekend I will be taking in to our family a 3yo Grey named Peanut. The family that she is with now are very neglectful of this birds true need's. I admit I have only been researching this species now for the past few months. devising a way to get her to me. I spend very little time with Peanut, but every time I walk into there house Peanut comes RIGHT over to me. Everyone in the family does not understand why she treats me like this but KNOW ONE else in that house. I feel in love with this bird and she still my heart. So she will be coming here by Sunday. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :o

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This is sort of what happened with me and my Dorian. He was in a less than ideal situation, and he decided that I was his person. He would do things for me that he wouldn't do for his owners. After a few months of witnessing this, his owners decided to sell him to me. I hope Peanut's transition to your home is a smooth one. Post pictures when you can, we love pictures.

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Greys will take to one person a lot of the time and have nothing to do with the rest of the family but he may become more accepting of the others in time. My grey used to only come to me but now she has picked my hubby as her favorite person and he can do things with her that I cannot so things can change, she doesn't totally ignore me but I can see clearly that I am no longer her favored person and that is ok with me. Just take your time and be very patient with him as he settles into his new home. Thank you for giving him a new forever home where he will get the attention and care he needs.

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Sometimes an animal will choose you rather than the other way round.

I'm never quite sure if I'm a believer in "fate" or "everything happens for a reason" but sometimes, things just seem to fall into place and work out ok.


Well done you for giving Peanut a home. Please do let us know how you all get on. We'd love to see some photos when you're able to get them.

There is so much information available on the forums so do have a good look round. If you have any questions then don't be afraid to post them. I've found that everyone here is willing and happy to share their knowledge and will help you regardless of how silly you think the question might be.



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I have always believed, a bird chooses you, rather than how most people think. Sophie chose me, when I adopted her at age two. I had no experience with a grey, when I intervewed to adopt Sophie, who came from a great home. She chose me, even though several other families were more experienced. She came from a fantastic home. I asked her owner, why he chose us during second interview. He explained to me... it wasn't up to him...it was up to Sophie!

You have been chosen! Now you need to develop that trust, introduce the rest of the family, and NEVER allow your grey to love just you! Sophie LOVES all of us. ( it is alot of work, but very important!) She may love us for different reasons, but she loves all of us for our different talents, ability to play, keeping her safe. Nancy

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Welcome to the forum and congratulations on taking the steps to bring Peanut into your life. She recognizes your interest in her and has decided you are a good friend. Take your time with her and allow her to get adjusted in her new home as you talk to her and let her get to know you better. For her to choose you is a sign of great things to come for you. Think about where you are going to place her cage in your home. They do like to be in the "hub" where they can see everything going on and also to be against a wall where no one is going to approach unexpectedly. She may be a little shy at first even though she knows you because she will be in an unfamiliar place. Thanks for joining us, I am looking forward to her homecoming and to hear all about her.

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Welcome to the forum and welcome to Grey lovers family. I agree with things that others said. Grey's are best friends if you know how to treat them and how to appreciate them.

They might have strong outside but you will see that inside, they are sensitive and kind. If you treat them with love they will respond with love too.

I think best suggestion that I can give is never try to break their bubble. Try to join them in their bubble. This requires you to give them time to trust you enough. When they realize how much you love them and how much you respect them, then they will respect you too.

Alex is still new in my house but he does not bite anymore. When he doesn't like what I am doing, all he does is pushing my hand away from upper of his beak, and sometimes he says "No" at the same time.

Also remember their honeymoon time :P

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Hi, today we adopted an older CAG from a home that wasn't the best of places. Was wondering if we can get some tips on the best way to transition our new gift to our home.


Well, congrats on getting an older grey. Many people won't do that even though it's a very safe and nice way to introduce yourself to the world of greys. The most important thing to realize is that they have certain memories from the past which remain ingrained. Many changes can be made but others can't. In other words, maybe your grey won't talk----probably it will never talk but it will tlk in it's own language. One of the easiest things to do is changing cages. The bigger the better.

So, just ask away ====we have many areas to address many situations - Enjoy the read.

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Hi, today we adopted an older CAG from a home that wasn't the best of places. Was wondering if we can get some tips on the best way to transition our new gift to our home.


Hi Bunchy14377, please start your own thread about your grey. We would love to grow and learn with you about your new friend. Welcome to the Grey Family!!

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