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Can I talk to Sophie?


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Ryan and Sean, both off to college. They have worked together, when in different states, to get Sophie comfortable. She is doing great! Ryan skypes with her from North Carolina. He called me today, had a bad day, but didn't want to talk about it.Sophie was on my shoulder, he could hear her. He wanted to talk to her only! After hearing Sophie say awwwww... ohhhhh.... I knew Sophie was being empathetic, she was helping him.

I felt it was important, to not get involved... Now, I am worried, that he has screwed up with college! Nancy

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Me TOO! He still doesn't want to talk about something that happened. If Sophie knows anything... she is not spilling her beans! I am sure he didn't say anything to her. She has always been supportive with her awww"s and Ohhh's perfectly!She would make a GREAT psychiatrist! I am sure she has no clue what any of us are talking about when we need support, but she just knows when we need extra loving! Nancy

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Aw that's quite sweet, as well as amusing. I love that Sophie is such an integral part to your household.


Just a thought about Ryan... It may be that he just doesn't want you to worry about him.... but by not telling you, he's making you worry even more! When he's ready, he'll share. I go through this with my parents a lot. I don't actively keep things from them, but I'm quite a private person and need time to try and work out problems on my own before I talk about them. So they usually hear about it after the fact- during which time they are super worried about what's going on!

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