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Time flies and so does Inara -- (warning, long update)


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Wow! It has been so long since I've posted an update, but do read the forums most mornings with my coffee while HRH Inara plays in her tree after breakfast. We have had a really busy last several months around here. My guy was having to travel every other week (thank goodness that has settled down!) and I have taken on a wonderful volunteer job working in various ways to assist Veterans in our local area. A thing that is very close to my heart.


Last time I had posted, HRH had dubbed me "Ticklebird." Well that name has certainly stuck, and it wasn't long after that she began saying, "I love you, Ticklebird." I would reply with her nickname (that has started the whole thing) -- "I love you Snickelfritz." This exchange still takes place a few times a day at random times. I might be in the kitchen, and she will pipe up with it, in the sweetest voice ever. She does know what 'love' and 'like' mean as she uses them appropriately in her own sentences. She still doesn't mimic us except for coughing, sneezing, and yes the perfect fart sound usually saved for when I am cleaning the bottom of her cage.


Inara's favorite list: I love the sky. I love you Ticklebird. I love Ticklebird. I love a good shower! (always said with emphasis). I love you. I love fly.


She is still such a complete sweetheart. She turned 4 years old in July, and in a couple of weeks she will have been with us for two years. Despite having been quite the biter with her former people, and having been very nippy with Joe for the first few months she was with us, she has never bitten me and it has been so long since she has even nipped Joe that we can't even recall when the last time was. She makes herself very understood, both through verbal communication, and clear body language. Well clear to us anyway :D


Her language is still just extraordinary and is mind blowing to anyone who comes to visit. People are always amazed when we will be visiting, and she will pipe up with things like, "I will go out there. Alright?" Or, "I will like to go out there with you. Ok? Yeah." This is just a very brief and surface scratching example.


For my birthday, Joe gifted me a cool gizmo from Amazon, that is called Alexa. It sits in our living room, and I can ask it questions, tell it to play music, etc. In the mornings, after Inara has had her breakfast, has played on her tree, had her shower, and then asked to go home -- I turn to Alexa and say, "Alexa play Kenny G," (don't laugh, he's HRH's favorite these days!). Well, you guessed it, Inara now says "Alexa!" so clearly that Alexa has mapped her voice and will respond. So far Alexa just says, "I am not sure what you want." But we figure it won't be long until Inara says, "Alexa, put cookies on the shopping list!" She did say, "Alexa, Four!" the other day. Which made us laugh, because Alexa answered, "Four equals the number four." Four is HRH's favorite number.


She continues to eat really well, is healthy as all get out, is very socially interactive, and has bonded really well with our dog. She now loves to fly down to the open door of the dog crate when our gal is snoozing in there, and will say, "Hi Dezi! Want to go to the tree?" or "Hey! Let's go!" She loves her fly time, and she loves her shower time. She has gone through a huge molt this summer (think 'snow' covered cage constantly) and during the worst of it, she would often ask for a couple of showers a day. She will say, "I want a shower." Or "How about a shower?" If she wants fly time, and is in her home, she will say, "I will go out there. I will go up. Fly!" When on her tree, and wanting to come to me she often verbally mediates or telegraphs what she is about to do by saying things like, "I will fly there," or "I will go to the chair" right before taking off and then landing on me. I gave up keeping track of her words, long ago, because she doesn't just use a string of words. She communicates better than some people I know. :D :cool::P


I'm getting a smart phone this week, and so it ought to be easier to take video and then drop right into dropbox for sharing. I so love seeing the videos and photos that everyone else shares.


This past month I was incredibly ill with a scary upper respiratory infection. Illustrated by HRH mimicking long, drawn out wracking hacking coughing! During this time, I was so sick, that my guy took over breakfast and fly time with Inara. It was actually a wonderful thing. They have bonded so closely now, and she will fly from the top of her home to find him and visit with him. He was gone last week, and she would call his name in the mornings. We always tell her when he is leaving for "a long time," and that he will be back. When he came back this time, she was so excited and said, "Oh boy! Joe!" Nice to know a guy's been missed.


Biggest news is that many of you will recall that she has never been much for snuggles or cuddles or even scritches. Too much of a busy body. Well in the last couple of months she has been loving having me gently stroke her little head and cheeks and ears. (She's always loved to have me smooch her toes -- silly bird). It's the sweetest thing, and a perfect example of "Grey time." After two years, I've been deemed worthy. :D


Pleased to say, that I am on the upswing after having been so ill, and have loved catching up with all the comings and goings here with our feathered and human friends and family. You are all always in my thoughts and hearts.



Inara's Minion :)


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Thanks for getting us caught up with you, Inara and Joe. I love how she is accepting him gracefully, it gives me hope that someday Miss Gilbert will become my friend too. Inara loves you so dearly, I think that is why she is trying so hard to please you with her conversations. She sure is adorable. It makes me happy to know how much you still take such joy to be part of her life

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That's a great update. I don't mind long if it's paragraphed - makes for easy reading.


Seems like everyone is getting an Alexa. I have two co-workers with them now. I'll be the usual late-adopter if they hang around for 3 years or so.


You sure have a chatterbox. I wish my girl would strike up a conversation. She's kind of a mute one. Can't wait for some video of that.

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