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How to help Alex to accepr new perch?


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Hi all,

I have new problem with Alex. I got him two new perch and one T for top of his cage. I introduced them one by one but he is really scared of them and he doesn't step on them. I even placed some fruit on those perch for him to go pick them up and eat but he does his best to pick those fruits without stepping on the perch. One of them is rope perch and he hate it and trying to destroy it.

I was thinking maybe he has bad memory of stepping on anything and he only trust whatever was in his cage from before.

How can I help him to get over this?


Thank you for always giving awesome advise :)

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It often takes Timber a few weeks to "warm up" to a new perch. He has a stages he goes through. First, he avoids the new perch like it will kill him. Then he ignores it (if I don't look it can't hurt me), then he starts looking at it and will touch it with his beak, then he starts using it. As to the rope perch, he loves it but chews on it constantly. His boing is on the "replace regularly" list. When I hang a new boing it takes him a couple of weeks to get on it, even if it looks identical to the one I replaced! Love to know what is going on in those little heads...

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It is normal for a grey to act fearful/wary of new items. They are very observant birds and will notice any kind of change in their environment.


Did you put the perches straight into his cage?


Alfie isn't too bad with new things. I have to show him and explain what they are. Sometimes when I put new toys in his cage he will sit at the opposite end of the cage eyeing it suspiciously. He will sit there for a while looking at the new toy until he's sure it is safe. Eventually he'll work his way round the cage, getting closer to the toy. If he ever freaks out about a new toy when I show him it, then it doesn't go straight into the cage. It's left outside of the cage so he can get used to it from a distance.


Alex just needs to work out in his own time that the perch isn't a big scary monster that's about to eat him. If he's only ever been used to the one cage with the same perches and toys in the same places, then it may take a little longer for him to warm up to the new perches and any new toys. It may take a day, it may take a week, it may take a month. There is a chanced that some toys and perches will never be accepted by him. Just watch him and see how it goes. If he really isn't accepting then you may need to take a step back and leave it outside of the cage (but nearby so he can see it) then slowly work on getting it back in the cage. Go at his pace. He'll get there eventually. :)

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I am sure you must be tired of hearing this, but..."just take time and let Alex decide when he is ready." Some advise introducing new objects in stages. Start out with the perch in view on the other side of the room and move it closer a few feet every day.


I am fortunate that my Grey takes to new things pretty readily. My friend bought her a new rope boing perch for her cage this weekend (early hatchday gift). I switched out the old one and put the new boing in her cage while she was out eating (she never lets me mess with her stuff while she is in or on her cage). After an hour of eyeing the new perch with suspicion, she entered her cage and tentatively batted it with her beak to make it swing. Then she gingerly stepped up on it, climbed a bit, and announced: "It's good!".

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Ok so Alex is not scare of new perch anymore but he doesn't step on it. He just chew it.

Ok, I need your ideas. I was thinking to remove all perches from his cage except the new one and live him alone with the new one for couple of hours. After he sit on new one for a while then bring back old perches! Is that wrong to do?

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Leave the perch alone. Let your grey set the pace of using his perches. I have had my greys for years and I just put new things in and let my greys do their thing. They are calm and do not run from me or their things. They own their home and their things new and old. Relax and let everyone get to know each other and the stuff around.

Edited by luvparrots
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Be patient! GREY time! Always work on education, trust, and above all... bird time. You can't rush a grey! Give them a few years of what I said... THEN tell me YOU can't keep up! ( your bird will go crazy with education). Be consistent. Provide social time, education and support. It takes a few years for your bird to take off! ( I love the age of four). Nancy

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Thanks for your respond.

Now that I know I have to be patient and don't worry about not stepping on new perch, I want to know how often I can introduce new perch?

Alex cage was kinda empty when I got it and he had only one toy. I bought several toys and Perches for him. His reaction to new things made me stop giving him all his toys and Perches. Shall I wait for Alex to completely accept new one before adding another one?

I so want to keep Alex busy so he will not chew his tail again. When I got him, he didn't have any tail, because he chewed it all. Now he is growing some new feathers in his tail and I want to make sure he is happy enough to let them grow so there will be a day that he can fly again.


Thanks again.

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I think one perch/toy at a time may be best at the moment. Alex may not have been used to those kinds of changes before. I think if you suddenly added a lot more to his cage he may be too scared to go back in it.


Whilst you're waiting for him to adjust to new perches inside his cage you could show him new toys and perches from a distance- just to get him used to seeing them. Once he is used to the new perch or toy you have most recently put in his cage then slowly work on getting the next one closer and closer to his cage and eventually in it.

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Leave Alex's perch alone. Let him chew and have fun! Focus on " stepup, stepdown"... you know I am crazy about this level of education! Make sure once he does it... have something amazing to show him! ( a fantastic treat, or a toy that is destructable!) Nancy


I am trying on this but he always run away. When somebody go too close to him he start shaking. Alex is still working on his trust. I don't like to rush it for him. I want him to be relax and do stuff on his own time.

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samansad... of course dont rush the trust. Do what your instincts tell you. I wouldn't go crazy regarding toys either.Some greys like them, some don't. Sophie LOVES to chew and destroy, so thats what we bring her home. Shreddable toys like pinatas, Sean when hunting finds blocks of cheery wood for us to clean and for her to destroy.As we are usually in the kitchen, thats where she wants her new toy. All greys are different.

You definitely are on the right tract in developing trust. I would encourage you to read a childrens book in front of cage nightly, as well as have the family play a board game in front of your bird with door open nightly.Sophie still loves playing board games, as well as me reading to her every night before bed. Fun habits to get into. Nancy

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samansad... of course dont rush the trust. Do what your instincts tell you. I wouldn't go crazy regarding toys either.Some greys like them, some don't. Sophie LOVES to chew and destroy, so thats what we bring her home. Shreddable toys like pinatas, Sean when hunting finds blocks of cheery wood for us to clean and for her to destroy.As we are usually in the kitchen, thats where she wants her new toy. All greys are different.

You definitely are on the right tract in developing trust. I would encourage you to read a childrens book in front of cage nightly, as well as have the family play a board game in front of your bird with door open nightly.Sophie still loves playing board games, as well as me reading to her every night before bed. Fun habits to get into. Nancy


These are great ideas! thank you

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