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What they DON"T say!


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Anyone like me? Do you have a list of things you're surprised your grey DOESN'T say, because he/she hears it all the time. Here's my short list.


I love you

Night Night

Time for sleepies


Dorian No

Be a good boy

Good morning sweetheart

You know better

Kill the Bell, Kill the Bell!

Oh my goodness!

Good doggie


I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones that come to mind. He's heard all these things 100's of times, so he's choosing not to say them for whatever reasons are in his little grey head.. He did say I love you a couple of times a few years ago but not since so I've included it on the list. So come on. What are the things your little gremlins refuse to say?

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Alfie doesn't say the cat names. He did try and say Widget a couple of times, but other than that he's given up. He says "No!" "Oi!" and "Off!" instead... so maybe he thinks those are their names instead!


Alfie has never picked up "morning!" which is what I say to him every day. But he knows hello, bye and see you later. He knows night night as well (it's really cute!).


I'll come back if I think of any more.

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neoow... PLEASE NOT morning!!!!!!!! Sophie learned it several months ago, and morning day or night, its " morning!" I told my son, I wasn't going to teach her the meaning, or context of this word, and let her run with it! I found it cute, as I usually correct her, or teach her what the word means. I know, she has heard Sean and I greet each other this way, so she likes " morning". We are " morning" probably 20 times a day! She is fascinated with the word, so morning it is! Nancy

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"Are you going to come out?" is probably another one. Alfie gets asked this whenever I open his cage door.

He did say "out" earlier though. But it sounded more like a command (e.g trying to get the cats out of the room) rather than a question.

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Marco doesnt say love you either :( and she doesnt say me by name and hasnt said mommy yet :( she doesnt say night night either lol maybe they are related :eek: she doesnt say are you a chicken? (she likes to cluck as one all the time infact it usually is when I say I love you Marco!!! smh)

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Sophie sucks with the letter M. So I am called " ROM". She is good at saying ROM this, ROM that, all day long!!!!! If I choose to change my clothes when I get home at work first.... I get a very certain squack... ROM!!!!! I tell her I will be back after I change, and she is patient.

Sophie has never told me " I LOVE YOU". That would be awesome, as I tell her this several times a day. When I tell her " I love you", she offers her beak for a kiss. I always interpret it as " show me". Maybe I should think of it as " I love you too!" Nancy

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