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Look Who's Looking Feathery


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Looking dapper! I suppose those are his eating utensils all over the floor? Any idea why he's progressing? Doing something different?


I am actually doing less about it than I ever did. I am giving him chicken bones (legs) every once and a while and keeping a steady flow of veggie pasta noodles with Red Palm Oil. Otherwise his diet is the same with lots of veggies, fruit, eggs sometimes, and seed\nut mix. His diet is great. I am pretty sure he could flip anytime if he was properly motivated....but he is doing great. I'll accept the beauty as it is. Happy days. I just love the little guy up as much as possible. He is soooooo loved.

Edited by Elvenking
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Thanks for the well wishes for my little buddy. Definitely knocking on lots of wood. :) He seems to be doing quite well. I'll never think he can't do it again, but I am super happy to see him filling in like he is. I cannot fully tell but it looks like the tummy ones might be gradually filling in too. If he does completely fill...I'd totally faint. HA!


Ray...you mention the idea of being tested. That is funny because it does cross your mind. It is a sort of test of your love for them. Kind of like, "Will you love me even if I am not the prettiest bird in the world." Ohhh yes my little friend...I will....I always will. My heart goes with that bird. He is as the sunrise and the sunset in my day. What a truly amazing experience when you look at it.


When he does come for head scratches...daddy gets all the good areas around the lower beak and ears. Light backwards pets on the top. Mmmmmm I just love the little bugger. He got some good scratches tonight while me and my daughter were watching TV. I definitely must have been a bird at one time in past lives or something. Every time I smell him, I am in heaven. It is seriously one of the sweetest smells ever! Anyway. Thanks for coming to see Isaac in his hopefully longer lasting suit.


Keep going little buddy!

Edited by Elvenking
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Looking dapper! I suppose those are his eating utensils all over the floor? Any idea why he's progressing? Doing something different?


LOL....Oh yea...my kitchen......the playground. That's right. You'd laugh. I have the 'real' cabinets either child locked or taped shut with gorilla tape. The others...I load with kitchen items....spoons, bowls, cups...ice trays...you name it...then he flies around to all the cabinets tossing them on the floor. I get about 10-15 minutes of me time in those moments. Yeah....50% of the kitchen....a bird playground. I'll never have a girlfriend. LOL!

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What a great update. Isaac is looking his fine feathered self again. I would chime in with the rest that there is no doubt you love Isaac no matter what. He has the best daddy ever and he knows it. Love your playground kitchen, Isaac the budding chef is in charge. The veggie pasta sounds like a great idea, I think I will try that one at home. It made my day to read this post first thing in the morning.

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