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Ear Biting


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My two year-old unclipped African Grey now has a new habit of swooping down and biting our ears. We use a spray bottle for punishment but I really don't like using that. We are debating on getting his wings clipped but they haven't been clipped since the breeder clipped them at 12 weeks. Therefore, we are very concerned that the clipping may affect his self esteem. Any comments are welcome. Thank you so much.


Teko's Dad

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Hi Teko's dad welcome to the forum.


Please stop using the spray bottle as a punishment.If you have a playstand return him to it & walk away,dont show him any reaction when he bites your ears,If you dont have a stand return him to his cage for a few minutes & again don't react just a very firm NO in a stern voice.eventually he will see that biting your ears gets no response & no rewards.


If you have a look around the forum there are topics concerning wing clipping.

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If I were to return him to the play stand (if he wouldn't fly away first) and sit him on it and walk away, he would probably fly right on my shoulder and go after my ear again. I think he is going through a terrible two stage (maturity) and maybe a good time to get him clipped. I do not want to give the impression he doesn't get enough attention....he gets several hours of attention each day.

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I don't clip my CAG's wings either. He did have a problem of swooping down on people and pulling their hair. I would put him in time out whenever he did this. He wouldn't do it to me because I am his favorite. He did it to my husband a few times and to visitors. I would also have my husband not be afraid and certainly not duck. If Manzi flew at him, I told him to swat him out of the air. I definitely think that is the best method as they don't like to be swatted down as they are flying at you because then they will have to crash land. I am sure he will learn very quickly. I found out that the ignoring thing does nothing in this situation because they find it too much fun. In addition, it is very hard to get a visitor to ignore a bird flying at their head.


It has been a long time since Manzi has done that. I also think avoiding the situation works very well. When visitors come over, I put him in his cage until he gets used to them (an hour) and then I let him out onto his playtop where he will then just do his own thing. He would swoop at them when he was out of his cage and a new person would walk into the house.


I personally love having a flighted bird. He comes to me when I call him. He is more independent, but he loves to fly and I would hate to take that away from him.

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Your husband swatted your grey out of the air while in flight at him?


It may have worked, but it is also very dangerous and could inflict some serious damage to him.


I would personally would not recommend to anyone this method of stopping a behaviour.


Just duck and let him fly over :-)

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Danmcq, do not worry. I don't think swatting a bird out of the air is that bad. I mean, yes he did get a broken wing once from that, but it was nothing that a trip to the vet couldn't fix. Atleast it is better than the black eyes he regularly gets due to being smacked for bad behavior. The point is, he doesn't ever talk back nor would he ever dare to bite me. In addition, the vet told us that physical punishment is encouraged in birds like him.


By the way, thanks for assuming that we hurt our bird. Because when you duck, they love it because then they unexpectedly crash into whatever is behind you. That is so much nicer than holding you hand up and forcing them to turn around mid-air and then simply flying back to their cage.

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Adele, let me get this straight, you encourage swatting your bird out of the air when flying toward people and you even broke one of his wings doing that, I can't believe this crap from someone like you. I remember you from another forum and I have never heard this kind of treatment before from a bird owner. How can you in good conscience do such a thing to Manzi, and your vet recommends this treatment too, if I knew his/her name and where they are located I would turn him in myself. No bird deserves this kind of treatment, any knowledgeable bird owner would never do such a thing.


Adele, I am ashamed of you for the way you treat Manzi, how can you live with yourself when you regularly give her black eyes for being smacked for bad behavior. If I were your grey I would bite the living shit out of you for treating me this way.


In my opinion you should not even own a bird much less a grey, I think you should read up more on positive reinforcement for a way to discipline Manzi, or give her up to someone who can give her the treatment she deserves.


You get no sympathy from me nor anyone else here on this forum for such god-awful ways you treat an awesome creature as the grey.

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:ohmy: Are you for real ? Birds should never be punished.Swatting him out of the air is irresponsible behaviour on your part.Your training methods leave a lot to be desired, & as for the vet don't even go there, how can physical punishment be encouraged !!i am gobsmacked that you wanted to share this information with us,no one on here would ever treat their grey in this manner.

AS Judy rightly says you dont deserve to own a bird

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Adele - You Wrote: "Danmcq, do not worry. I don't think swatting a bird out of the air is that bad."


I beg the pardon with you, it is that BAD! It is animal abuse!!


Did you tell the vet you broke it's wing swatting the bird out of the air? Most vets would have the Humane Society down on your house in a heartbeat.


Please never post such terrible treatment of any animal or bird on this forum again, much less recommending it to new bird owners.


I will do my best to have you banned from this Forum if you do!!

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Wow... not sure if you are joking or not. If you are joking that is a really sick joke, and I would recommend retracting it.


If you aren't, you really have some nerve coming on a forum full of people who love greys and openly saying you abuse your bird. I feel so sorry for your bird and wish I could rescue him from your so called home. He deserves better than that... He deserves someone who will love him.


Would you break a dogs leg because he was jumping up on you????? Or your child's arm because he was tugging on your pant leg??? Oh wait... that's ok because a quick trip to the vet or doctor will fix that!!


Everyone knows it is not ok to harm a creature. Whether is be an animal or person. If your vet really did tell you that then his business should be closed down. Plus didn't you think to use any common sense and realize beating your bird isn't ok?!?!?! If he told you to jump off a bridge would you???


What you are doing is sick and terrible and I have no respect for you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Adele wrote:

Please have me removed. I treat my bird better than most of you, I am sure. Of course I would never hurt my bird, but to have Danmcq accuse me of that really offended me. I am surprized any of you would believe something like that.


With pleasure i;m sure you will be removed.


You dont know how any of us treat our greys so you have no right to state that you treat yours better !


Danmcq accused you of nothing, you started this sick thread & deserve everything you get.


Good riddence to you.

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No matter how you feel, please take into consideration that many people here are very sensitive to cruelty to ANY types of animals whether it's a joke or not. You're hitting a very sore spot in the hearts of people here. Grow up and don't make the same mistake on other animal boards. Birds (outdoors or indoors)aren't to be swatted at like mosquitos. Whatever Dan said to you was because he's an honorable man who cares about creatures<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/11/23 22:04

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Everyone here on this forum knows I like a good joke the same as a lot of the others, but this was a poor attempt at being funny, Adele, and not in very good taste. You don't joke about physical abuse like you described in your post, and what if an unsuspecting member who is new at having a grey were to read what you posted and try that with their bird, it could cause the death of that bird. Now how would that make you feel to know that your careless notion of a joke were to cause harm to another's grey, it would make me sick to my stomach. And that is exactly what you have made us feel, sick to our stomach of the kind of trash you call a joke.


I am glad you have chosen to leave of your own accord, it spares us the hassle of having you banned, for if this is the kind of advice you have to offer we are better off without it.

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Please Hun no bird swatting or spraying. You can alway just clip till you have the problem under control then let the wings grow out after your bird is better behaved. That is the best recommendation I can give.

Adel I would not leave the forum because your "joke" was a little off and none of us got it.

We all love a good joke but some people well take that info and use it and then have a hurt bird. So be careful where you joke at and what about.:side:<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/11/24 10:32

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I have to say that you are a real jacka$$ for saying that kind of crap. I have a zoo in my home and if I had your address I would come there and rescue that poor bird from you. JOKE OR NOT YOU ARE A SICK thing. I cant even say person because any person with a heart would NEVER say the s h i t you are. You in my opinion you need to be banned and never be allowed to voice your opinion ever again. That is a rude and cruel way to make a joke about any creature that is on this planet. I tell you I would love to see you on the news about how you lost all of your animals to the A.S.P.C.A. You should never think that you are a comedian because the jokes you tell are in the poorest taste that I have ever heard. And if you are not telling a joke your vet needs to be reported and closed forever for that kind of horses h i t. I really wish your bird well, and not have to ever see you on a forum ever again. You give false info for people that never had a pet neverless a bird. I just hope that your misleading info did not go to far with someone else. I feel for the birds that have people like you that unfortunitly to stupid to own them.<br><br>Post edited by: ziggy, at: 2007/11/24 01:59

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I completely agree this was in poor taste, poor judgment and dangerous, joke or not. I dont personaly know Adele or really anything about how she keeps her bird but I have seen some reasonable posts/contributions from her. People make mistakes, the test is how do they learn from it and how does society provide an opportunity for people to adjust. I dont think 1 post in bad taste warrants banning, even if it (deservedly) strikes a strong chord with most. Such a post certainly should not go w/o feedback.


The overwhelming message has been made clear to Adele and hopefully she learns from this. The big danger with such a joke is that new owners or anyone naive my actually think such handling is acceptable. This forum exists to help, not put out false misleading and dangerous information.


I do not think Adele should be banned for this and hope she does not leave, but if a pattern of such behavior were exhibited then yes absolutely ban. Sorry for the long response but those are my thoughts.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/11/24 02:24

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EVERYONE, including ADELE. I know you Adele, very well from the other forum. I have watched numerous videos of Manzi. I am ashamed to have welcomed you here like I did, only to have you post the comments that you did.

I KNOW you are very active in the other forum still. You have NEVER done anything like this over there. Why come here and do this to the many members that welcomed you here with open arms? I don't understand why you would do this. You have always posted such nice posts before this here and elsewhere.


I pray that you made a terrible mistake, and don't ever do anything to hurt that precious bird. For Manzi's sake, I hope these were all lies.

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Lies or not This user is cruel. I mean in 2 ways. First to even joke or to lie about something so horriable. Second if she does that to that poor bird. Either way this is totally uncalled behavior. All I will say is that I hope that poor grey is SAFE. I also hope she got the message there as clear as a bell WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS HERE. This behavior is dispicable and should not be tolerated here. To get people upset for one and for advertising false post about a vet and her tactics on how to treat a living animal. For all you new bird owners please do not take any advise from this member on how to treat a bird or anything else she posts.

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Wow !!! Im totally speachless. Let me say this was a terrible joke. We have new people coming in here and if they saw that it physical punishment to correct their birds behavior they just might use it. That meant you gave wrong and misused advice. I think an I AM SORRY is what you should do. Its up to you if you leave or not. You can stay but Im sure it will be awhile before the family here will feel comfortable with the postings you do. Im sure in time they will come around to feel comfortable again and calm down.

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