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I agree! I'm just concerned other sites are always ready to hijack your members. Don't worry about us seniors.... we've got your back. Nancy

I'm really glad that this subject came up. It gives me the chance to say it like it is.


There's no such thing as hijacking members. All people have the choice of looking at other boards and when some interesting subjects come up on other boards, people simply go to those boards and check out the contents. If they find some appealing subjects that's more in line of what they're looking for, they either look through the board's contents and then maybe decide to join. I've seen people presently on other boards that used to be very active members here but have left. It's easy to spot them because they use the same usernames no matter where they go. This occurs on all types of boards no matter what the subject is. Fish tanks, different species, different designs, tools, furniture designing, electronics, indoor and outdoor botany, training specialized dogs. etc, etc, etc.

There's one common thing about bird boards------At one point, years go by and *the thrill is gone*, the birds are adults, the birds are home, have been socialized into families through the past years and the birds are just members of a family so owning the birds is now no big deal. At that point, a bird board is no longer needed. Look at this board--approx. 65/70% have to do with baby and adolescent birds. I can't even begin to count the loads of members in the past who joined, ask a couple of questions and are never heard from again even though they say that this board is the greatest thing since the invention of the light bulb. Just looking through the past member list here brings back memories, memories, memories, but those members are gone.

Edited by Dave007
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This is my favorite bird forum - maybe because the bird that holds my heart is an African Grey - I do love my other birdys though. I frequent Avian Avenue but I rarely post, just too damn many members.


On Facebook I was in two Grey groups. One had 15K+ members - what a friggin mess that was. It wasn't about the birds anymore, it was chaos. I exited those two holes after a few months. I like it here. I like my Caique hangout too - maybe less than 10 active members!



Just like in real life, if I'm invited somewhere and there are more people than I can handle socially (one maybe two) I'm the f outta there.

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Thank you for all you do Talon, it is very much appreciated! Hopefully the bug with the logins will be sorted soon. Sometimes it can take a while to fix problems.


I've stuck around because there's still a lot of interesting posts and I'm learning new information all the time.

As an aside: I'm also a member of a bengal cat forum because I own two bengals (or rather, they own me!). However, I have stopped posting there because many members moved on and no longer post. Now all you see are loads of "Is my cat a bengal?!?!?" posts because people aren't sure if they've been scammed or not. So I don't frequent those forums much any more because there's nothing of interest for me there.

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This is my favorite bird forum - maybe because the bird that holds my heart is an African Grey - I do love my other birdys though. I frequent Avian Avenue but I rarely post, just too damn many members.


On Facebook I was in two Grey groups. One had 15K+ members - what a friggin mess that was. It wasn't about the birds anymore, it was chaos. I exited those two holes after a few months. I like it here. I like my Caique hangout too - maybe less than 10 active members!



Just like in real life, if I'm invited somewhere and there are more people than I can handle socially (one maybe two) I'm the f outta there.


Totally agree with you concerning Facebook groups. As a matter of fact, I have an idea who you're referring to. One of them said *either you agree with me or other ass kissing members OR you're out of here*


One other thing though. Unfortunately, many times a regular bird board can become a Facebook feel to it.


* Oh gee, DO you know what yesterday? my bird was acting very silly with my special fruits mixture. He snubbed his nose at it**

Response----**Haha, my bird only does that with my husband when he comes home from work.

Next Response---- ** Hehe, My bird will only squawk when veggies are given before the fruit**

Next Response---- **haha, guess he's not a meat and potatoes guy***


For many people, that format isn't appealing.

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