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Don't laugh at me. I know I've been spoiled for a long time. Dorian really gets into very little trouble. Well, he's begun to make up for it. He likes hanging out on my desk with me, but lately hanging out hasn't been enough. He's chewed through phone cords, chewed through an upholstered wall that is at the back of my desk, discovered the joy of throwing my mouse off the desk, chewed the buttons of the tv remote, and, finally, has figured out the fun of popping keys off my computer keyboard. Every time I get up from the desk, even if only for a minute, I have to put the mouse, the remote, the keyboard out of reach, and not be gone long enough for him to chew through the protective wrapper I've placed around the various cables running up the back of the desk. It's more than my little brain can handle many times, and so I forget something and he tunes into whatever I've forgotten like a laser guided missle. He'll get me trained pretty soon! Oh, and he gets mad if I try to discipline him. He's turning into a right brat. So go ahead and laugh. I'm finally experiencing some of the troubles I've only heard about up to this point. Sigh.

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So awesome! Dorian is turning into a quote unquote normal parrot w/all the personality etc that entails. Revel in that for a minute!! As to outsmarting this little beast, uhh, marvelous creature you've created, do you have one of those sliding keyboard selves?


Personally, I gave up on the PC around the birdies. I have a laptop, too. Runs w/o a cord & I can just shut the lid whenever I walk away. My solution to solving most problems has long since been to avoid them wherever possible.

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Welcome to our world. Pull up a chair and have a seat, there's nothing you can do about it anyway.



This little guy's name is 'Tango'. He's Toby's online friend from the Caique group - and guess what!! Toby has done nearly the same thing to my wife's keyboard with the exception he's done both sides. Her keyboard doesn't look this bad anymore because Daddy got mad and started putting the keys back on except the ones that were too chewed to bits and no longer attach. Toby finds it easy to get those back off when Mommy slips up and leaves her laptop out for everybirdy to use.



Edited by SterlingSL
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Welcome to my world Acappella :) I keep a small stock of spare mice and keyboards handy. Misty has perfected the art of key removal but he has yet to work out how to put them back on :P

He also loves to jump from my shoulder onto the keyboard. Especially when I am in the middle of typing an "important" document. Most times I will move quickly to lift him off. If I wait he will stand there looking up at my with that challenging look in his eye. They sure love to push our buttons don't they :D


Steve n Misty

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Acappella... the day has come! Welcome! Now you have to always be one step ahead. Get a laptop and dont forget to close it. I got tired of investing in keyboards. Get smart and put a toy in the area Dorian will destroy. ( Sophie THINKS she is destroying something I don't know about, but I left it for her in the first place.)AH HA! I try to outsmart her, but she usually is one step ahead of me. I get very frustrated, when she is two steps ahead of me!

Think of safety. Electrical plugs in outlets, ceiling and regular fans. Always remind Dorian NO and remove from a dangerous situation. Sophie understands a firm NO and will jump back three steps. It truly is like having a permanent two year old.15 years later... I get her safety issues, anticipate her destructive mode, and have a " counter measure" for her areas she likes to hangout and destroy Nancy

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Oh, and I forgot, the sight of the cordless phone seemingly enrages him. He attacks it and is not satisfied until it hits the floor. I'm surprised he hasn't started saying "no Dorian" or "be a good boy please", he's heard it enough lately. Thanks for the 'sympathy' guys. He's definitely starting to keep me on my toes. I just wish I could interest him in a toy when he's on my desk but he will not be re-directed. What happened to my little grey perch potato!

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Perfect thread for me to read today. Miss Gilbert must be getting messages from Dorian. She has been determined to rip the carpet off the steps, so I put a paper bag between her cage and favorite access spot. She has been busy chewing and making a great big mess of that paper bag. Since Dorian is being so adventurous and brazen, start putting wooden popsicle sticks, small blocks and other acceptable toys he could fling and chew apart on the desk while you leave the room. Then, gather them all back up when you return as if they were your treasured contraband. That will make him more interested and determined to get to them. We are reaching the same point with Gil as you are with Dorian. How easy it was when she was still hunkered up on a perch than now when she is making a mess in half my room. I rejoice because she is happier now, but it is a lot more work. :-)

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Believe me, the mess and the noise and the naughty behavior is a reason to rejoice. It is "normal" parrot stuff. Love to see our shy "frozen" parrots getting out and about and finding trouble to get into. In the early days when I worried she might not be okay, I knew there would be a day I would kind of regret wishing for messes. But the truth is, a messy house and happy family are far better than the opposite. Its a balancing act.

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I am so happy Miss Gilbert is getting into trouble! LOL! I know what you mean...while it drives me crazy, how much Sophie gets into( especially when I don't hear anything for a few minutes... I know its bad!), I am grateful that she is happy, well adjusted.I also appreciate when I make a new recipe ( chicken marsella and rice tonight), we didn't like it, but she thought it was awesome! ( she took a few bites of rice!) I always get high praise from my girl. nancy

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Alfie has been a busy boy lately. He's slowly redecorating my lounge. I have some lovely beak marks in the wallpaper near the fireplace. He also decided that I should let some more light in (even though it was dark outside) and put some holes in the curtains for me!


Got to love them and their mischievous ways!

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OUCH Ray! Those unnatural notches, I hope blend in! LOL! If y Nancyou need any help... Sophie is available for a weekend! She would be in heaven. She really isn't into toys, and I appreciate when Sean goes to the hunting camp with his dad. He focuses more on finding Sophie some natural wood to chew on. I don't know alot about natural wood. I know cherry is safe. He brings it home, we boil it, cut it up, and it is waiting for her. Does anyone else know what woods are safe for birds?

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Wow! I should be thankful that Brutus only works on window wood, door wood, window screens, and curtains. Upholstery is also fair game, although, cheap comforters cover most of it and bear the brunt of his creativity. He stays off of my desk, computer, and remote. Knock on wood! I love that your bird is revealing his true nature, this says a great deal about how well you are keeping him. Congratulations.

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