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Why I love my GreycieMae


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Mommy is out of town for two weeks. So I have my feathered brats for company.


Late afternoon and I'm sitting at my computer dialing in my workout which will be getting underway in the following 30 minutes or so while we wait for the workout room to get down to 58 degrees. Greycie is quietly sitting on my shoulder after a nice pecan treat. Everybirdy is being good while they bake in their nut comas. Suddenly I hear two squeaks and feel the shirt on my shoulder pulling back. I look and Greycie is leaning back onto her tail and staring me down. This is her way of trying to get me to start playing with her. I completely ignore her - I'm busy, gotta get this workout programmed in.


Greycie gets back on my shoulder and then flops forward off the front of my shirt and crooks her head looking up at me. Way too cute, I can barely resist the temptation to start playing, but I'm serious about this workout. Next thing I know she's back on my shoulder and is flopping off the back of my shirt and she's gently nipping at my ear as she crawls back on my shoulder all the while doing her clucking/kissy noises. So I give in, cup my hands and she flops right into it and off we go bouncing her around. She loves to be bounced on her back.


I did get the workout done. She rides on my back while I sit on the trainer. Loves the loud music.


What a fun little birdy.

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I've got to find a way to get this on video - it's a real tear-jerk for me. She makes this very sorrowful 'coo' noise and she only does it when she knows I'm leaving. Basically she'll do it when I put them in the bird room because she knows it may be a while till she sees me next, likely all day. She'll also do it when I put them in the aviary, another all day affair. It's the same noise that haunted me in my dreams when we lost her to the great outdoors for several of days. I try everything I can to get her to NOT do it because it really bothers me and makes it where I have a real hard time leaving. You never know when is the last time you'll see someone or somebirdy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've got to find a way to get this on video - it's a real tear-jerk for me. She makes this very sorrowful 'coo' noise and she only does it when she knows I'm leaving. Basically she'll do it when I put them in the bird room because she knows it may be a while till she sees me next, likely all day. She'll also do it when I put them in the aviary, another all day affair. It's the same noise that haunted me in my dreams when we lost her to the great outdoors for several of days. I try everything I can to get her to NOT do it because it really bothers me and makes it where I have a real hard time leaving. You never know when is the last time you'll see someone or somebirdy.


Please get that on video if you can I would love to see it!!

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SterlingSL... You have such a distinct personality. The fun one. My girl Sophie... would flock to you in a heart beat! My boys ( unlike me), NEVER allow any guilt to enter into the equation, in training Sophie. She adores the ground they walk on. They both pay alot of attention to her, but always on " their terms." It is amazing to watch!

Today, Sean was on his computer, Sophie perched on his shoulder starting to park her beak behind his ear. I noticed he would pet her with his ear, when he felt like it! She would wait up until ten minutes! I asked Sean about it? He said he pets her with his ear after she has been patient! Why doesn't she do that for me? Nancy

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I've got to find a way to get this on video - it's a real tear-jerk for me. She makes this very sorrowful 'coo' noise and she only does it when she knows I'm leaving. Basically she'll do it when I put them in the bird room because she knows it may be a while till she sees me next, likely all day. She'll also do it when I put them in the aviary, another all day affair. It's the same noise that haunted me in my dreams when we lost her to the great outdoors for several of days. I try everything I can to get her to NOT do it because it really bothers me and makes it where I have a real hard time leaving. You never know when is the last time you'll see someone or somebirdy.
(emphasis mine)


Amen. Marden made that noise, every single night when I came up to bed. Just thinking about it tears me up. I'd give anything to hear him one more time.

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She got home on Tuesday night. The reactions from each birdy:


GreycieMae - Who are you? Out of my way, where's Daddy.

Romeo Rio - What's for dinner? We'll make sweet love to your toes when I get something to eat.

Toby Toby - off with the cranky-pants, mommy's home. Everything is right and good with the world again.



I'll see if I can set the camera up in their birdy room and see if I can capture that sorrowful coo.

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Another reason I love my GreycieMae - this happened last night:


I get home from my Monday evening class around 9:45. It's way past Greycie's bedtime but momma let her stay up so she can see me home. I come in through the garage and step into the living room and there's Miss GreycieMae sitting on her orbit. I start telling her Hi and she starts bobbing her head. I start to walk over and she's already craning her neck and tilting her head sideways ready to give her best birdy kiss. That's when momma cuts us off. Wifey steps up from her chair and beats Greycie to the kiss. So I see Greycie really craning her neck now trying to get a good look over mommy's shoulder. It was the cutest thing. She kept going from side to side to get the best view of my eyes to see if I was still paying attention to her. So we teased her then and just kept ignoring her. That was enough. She flew onto wifey's shoulder and forced her way down in to get some attention. She actually gave mommy a good nip later as she was still annoyed with her.

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Ahhhh... the " apple of daddy's eye!" LOL! Let your wife know, her turn will come. She just has to find what she can do, that you can"t! Playing a musical instrument, being a great reader of a book Graciemae learns to enjoy.... there are soo many things your wife can bring to the table. Sophie now loves us all, for different reasons. I'm the routine, keep her safe, and able to play the piano. Ryan is the guitarist and rapper,Sean is the violinist and plays games with Sophie. Making it hard for Sophie to refuse any of our talents was easy. She wanted to be part of everything we were able to do because we made it exciting for her. Hence, a grey that LOVES everyone. Nancy

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