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How much food, how often and what kind of food?


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Ok some of you may already know me as I keep asking about my new CAG who is 18 years old (Alex).

I was reading, and watching some videos about parrot and one of them said that I should not over feed my parrot. Also seeds are not good food. Now I am confused since all my life I feed seeds to my parrots and they had food till their container is empty and I refill it again.


I bought African Grey Parrot food from pet store and I am feeding Alex with it. It has several different seeds and nuts. (No peanuts in it!)

Also I fill his container in the morning and I wait till it is finished. Sometimes it takes him two days, sometimes one and half day to finish 90% of it. Then I remove remaining because it has so many broken shell in it and put new food there. Am I doing this wrong? His food bowl never goes empty.

Also is there any specific food type or brand that I should use as his daily food?


Thank you for your help.

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Harrison's is good!I get my pellet mix from my birdstore. I add freeze dryed veggies as well. Sophie eats like a horse, but I remember her days of throwing fresh veggies and fruits against the wall.She gets fresh pellet mix with two unsalted peanuts and two quaters of buttered wheat toast. A plate of fresh veggies, minimal fruits before I go to work. When I am home for dinner... she eats with us! ( I know that is probably bad to encourage this behavior). She LOVES chicken the most. Sophie has always eaten dinner with us. No spaghetti sauce is pretty much my only rule. She will eat anything, and is probably more excited about my cooking than anyone! Nancy

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Ok some of you may already know me as I keep asking about my new CAG who is 18 years old (Alex).

I was reading, and watching some videos about parrot and one of them said that I should not over feed my parrot. Also seeds are not good food. Now I am confused since all my life I feed seeds to my parrots and they had food till their container is empty and I refill it again.


I bought African Grey Parrot food from pet store and I am feeding Alex with it. It has several different seeds and nuts. (No peanuts in it!)

Also I fill his container in the morning and I wait till it is finished. Sometimes it takes him two days, sometimes one and half day to finish 90% of it. Then I remove remaining because it has so many broken shell in it and put new food there. Am I doing this wrong? His food bowl never goes empty.

Also is there any specific food type or brand that I should use as his daily food?


Thank you for your help.


Your bird should have access to food 24 hrs a day because there is no such thing as breakfast, lunch or dinner. Birds eat all day long. They never overeat.

Your bird should have a decent seed mix all day long and vegetables and a little fruit everyday. The fruit isn't important because it contains no nutrients. Dark green vegetables have all types of vitamins. Any vegetables should be removed after 2 or 3 hrs because they wilt and dry up. Then give more. They should have clean water available all day long. As far as brands of seed mix, there's many great brands and also decent brands. You may buy a great brand and your bird may not like it. You may buy a decent brand and your bird may like it. OR visa versa. Experiment with different brands. If the one you're using has different seeds but not many peanuts then it's acceptable. Also remember that your bird is 18 yrs old and changing diets or adding to diets many not be accepted by an adult bird who's used to eating certain things. Many adult birds won't accept veggies. Some will. Baby birds are more flexible. Stay away from avocados. They're toxic. Some human food can be given. Pasta is liked by birds. Chicken bones are liked.

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I do not offer many pellets only enough so they recognize it as food in case of some emergency. Mine have seed, nuts and veggies every day I give them some fruit when I get home from work and l make birdy bread with lots of fresh veggies, fruit, eggs, soaked grains, lentils & beans, shredded coconut and coconut juice, red palm oil, nuts and some dried herbs and spices. Occasionally I will sramble some eggs for them and add chopped veiies so they get a little omelet.

Edited by Greywings
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It is important to know what Alex's previous diet was, and work off of that. Add to that mix. Sesame seeds and peanuts should be kept to a minumum due to their fat content, but it is important to offer Alex, what he is use to, and add to that diet. I love using freeze dryed veggies, as greys tend to hate fresh. Continue to offer daily, even if Alex throws them against the wall.Sophie seems to love her veggies when I make them on the grill. Probably she loves them best... because she eats dinner with us, and I make a big fuss that I am grilling that night! LOL Nancy

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