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Need help in training Alex


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Keep going Samansad- you WILL be rewarded eventually! You're doing a fantastic job with Alex and you've already come such a long way. You will learn over time what he does like and doesn't like and you'll soon find your way of working with and around Alex's quirks and traits.


It's clear that Alex wants to work with you too. He's learning as much about you as you are about him!

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Well Alex never bite my lips but if he does then will make his beak bloody because even bleeding lips or finger will not push me away from loving him and trying to bond with him. lol

Guys thank you so so much for always encouraging me.

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Its easy to encourage you. We recognize your comittment and devotion and above all.... your determination to make this work.Remember too during this process, its NOT OK for your bird to bite and make you bloody. Never allow a negative behavior to be acceptable. A firm " NO", return to cage. Don't worry about the trust issue, they need to learn biting is NOT okay. Its all part of the training and trust building. Acceptable behavior, not acceptable behavior. They do want to learn! Nancy

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