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Think Parrots Show (UK)


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Are there any forum members going to the Think Parrots show (UK based) this year?




I've never been and would like to go, but my car is too unreliable to get me there at the moment and I can't convince anyone else to go with me.

Just wondered if anyone here had been previously/was planning to go this year.


Come to think of it- are there many UK members here? I don't normally pay attention to locations in posts!

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Sounds like fun just too far from Texas. sigh


Yes not sure it would be worth the trip!!


I wish I knew more people who lived nearby who had an interest in birds/parrots who would want to go with me!

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It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to go. My car has a problem with engine compression so won't accelerate very well when on dual carriageways/motorways- especially if there is an incline. It's currently at the garage being looked at and I've got a feeling it's going to be the worst case scenario. I don't know of anyone else who would want to come with me (who would be willing to drive as well!) so it looks like I'm going to miss out this year. Boo. :(


There's always next year though, I suppose!

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Perhaps one of the minds of Greyforms can get a group organized and members can go together. Hint, hint!!!


That's an awesome idea! Not sure how "doable" it would be though, seeing as most of the forum members seem to come from over the pond. I guess it would be a bit too expensive for most!


Some kind of forum member meet up would be pretty cool. Especially if parrots could attend too! Again, cost/travel might be an issue for most though.

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That's an awesome idea! Not sure how "doable" it would be though, seeing as most of the forum members seem to come from over the pond. I guess it would be a bit too expensive for most!


Some kind of forum member meet up would be pretty cool. Especially if parrots could attend too! Again, cost/travel might be an issue for most though.


I believe US birds cannot travel around, if they leave they don't get to come back.

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