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Somebody please stop me!


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There is a real lack of stores that stock bird related (especially parrot related) goodies around here. Most pet shops are centered around your typical dogs, cats, small animals etc. The pet store chain I used to work at (10 years ago now... blimey!) stopped selling birds and most of their bird related stock.


So all my bird related purchases happen via a website called "Northern Parrots". The site is awesome and filled with all sorts of wonderful foods, toys, treats, cages etc etc for all varieties of birds. Great!


...Except that I am currently browsing around the website adding all sorts of goodies to my basket that I can't yet afford. I'm already at £120 and still going....!! SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!


They do have a neat little feature (which I'm abusing the heck out of) called "save for later". So everything in my cart is currently being relegated to that area. I don't get paid 'til Friday and need to be careful of how much I spend. I do need to feed the cats (and myself!) next month, after all. So Alfie WILL get some goodies... but I'll have to be a bit more selective than I'm being at the moment!


Anyone else have a problem when they find an awesome pet store (online or otherwise)?

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I make most of Dorian's toys since his toy needs don't really follow a normal greys. Example: he doesn't chew wood. Since he's mostly interested in cardboard, I spend money on toy making supplies to find new ways to suspend cardboard in his cage. I also spend a lot on supreme cotton rope because he like to chew his swing so I'm constantly re-making it. It's amazing how quickly the tab runs up on toy making supplies though, I know what you mean about on-line shopping.

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Phew! Glad I'm not the only one!


I rotate Alfie's toys fairly regularly as he's in the cage when I'm at work. He plays with his toys a lot and goes in and out of favour with them. His "toy of the moment" is his paper roll holder which he can shred, chew and unravel (it's a bit like a plastic loo roll holder). He hasn't played with that for a while then suddenly it's his favourite and there's paper everywhere!


I need to get him a new boing as his has seen better days and I need to replace a couple of his older perches. I also had an idea of getting some plastic chains so I could hang some toys a bit lower in his cage and also give him more to climb on... then I saw some other toys I thought he might like.... it quickly adds up! Plus food + treats... this is why I make use of the "save for later" option. Then I can choose what I like the most and buy it in smaller chunks over a couple of months or so. Otherwise I end up with more toys than I know what to do with!

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