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Help with getting him out of cage.


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Hi, I've had my Grey a few weeks now. He knows the 'Step Up' command but will only do it when he's not in cage. He will not step up at all when he is in cage, instead he puts his head down to be rubbed. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I took the cage outside today so I could give him a shower since I can't get him out. If I do get him out of cage he won't accept treats or scratches so I can't reward him for being out of cage. What should I do when on the rare occasion I can get him out? And how do I make him want to come out?

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Inside the cage is your bird's safe zone. My TAG, who is pretty docile (now, not when I brought him home) outside the cage will never step up from inside the cage. Does your grey come outside if you leave the cage doors open? That is the usual routine. When he is comfortable and trusts you, he will probably come out on his own as soon as you open the doors. I can never get the doors open quickly enough for Timber, and he gets miffed if I don't let him out the minute I come in (like when I've been gone or in the morning). I would assume it is just early days yet for you and your grey, and he is still adjusting to you and his new environment.

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No he doesn't come out at all. There is only a small hatch opening on the cage, not a proper door. The top opens up and he climbs up there to stretch his wings. I have a perch that goes along there but haven't used it in awhile because he climbs up on top of my wardrobe and can't get back down. He jumped from the top of the wardrobe to the floor one day (which is how I got him out of the cage) so I'm afraid to let him get back up there. When he's out he won't accept treats or scratches so I can't make it rewarding for him except by putting him back in...

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When any of ours are out and refuse to go back in, 99% of the time if I show them their favorite nut and place it in their cage where they can see it, they go back in by their self. That is their reward for going back in! Open the cage up and let him explore at his own pace. You just walk away and show no nevermind to what he is doing (at least that he can see, lol) Two weeks is nothing in their mind so relax. I am sure you are thinking that you have given him so much, he should be out enjoying it all but in reality, they get scared and overwhelmed. If you are afraid to use the top perch, then put a few perches on the outside of the cage by the hatch door or near the top opening for him. He will come around eventually, some take weeks or months and there are those who take years so be ready for a long haul just in case!

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Let him take his time. There's no rush. Two weeks is nothing in grey time, and he's still evaluating things and trying to figure out his new surroundings. I couldn't step up Dorian for literally years. I know your hands are itching to love on him and have scritches and cuddles like you see other owners do here and on YouTube, but just know it took some of us months and years of hard won patience to get to that point. Let him explore his new world. Is he clipped? What happened when he jumped from the wardrobe? Did he land badly or did he fly or glide to the floor... If he's in danger up there find something to block his path. Put a stuffed animal up there he might be afraid of or put a box so he can't get up there. We have to get creative to outthink these little monkeys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Birds need a cage with a door that opens in front of parent. I'm not going to add a ( difference of opinion), regarding birds being taller than you. Bird should have a door that opens right in front of parent. I always practiced stepup and step down off the door. I did it with three birds of different origins. You need to make it fun and inviting to come out and checkout your family I trained babies and rescues off the door.I have NEVER put my fingers in their cage, except the time I had a fire and told them each " stepup now!"... No arguements and each stepped up understanding their was an " urgency!" Nancy

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