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Heartbeating Put me in Awe


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The other night, Nilah my amazon was high up on my shoulder, I was reaching that arm up high, giving Talon her evening juice before bed. Nilah flew onto my shoulder and her chest was wedged into my ear. I could hear her heart beating clear as day.....it was an amazing moment to be that close to her chest and here how fast her little heart beats...that was a first for me & a moment I will never forget...absolutely amazing , the sound it was making..I never wanted to move from that position.


Has anyone else had the pleasure of listening to their birds heart beating?

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I listen to GreycieMae's all the time. I'm lucky to have a very tactile bird. My favorite is when I'm swinging her on her chain. That really gets her ticker going. I also like sticking my nose in that fuzzy little wing pit too and I'm always struck by how warm it feels - another one of those weird sensations of being very close to their being.

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I am still relegated to sniff distance only and it isn't that often I get close enough to get that wonderful scent of grey. Java lets me get close and even to snuggle under a wing on occasion, I will have to try that heartbeat. It is an amazing thought. Inside this little handful of feathers, or a bigger handful where an Amazon is concerned, beats a heart capable of understanding and participating in human emotion. Behind those bright and wonderful eyes there is a brain with capabilities far exceeding what we would have thought possible just a few short decades ago.

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Awww... that is awesome! While Sophie snuggles all the time, and I'm sure I could hear her heartbeat everytime, you just reminded me, " I'm not a nurse all the time!" I'm always ready with my stethoscope to listen to asthmatic kids lungs, and Sophie imitating them. You made me " stop and smell the roses" Thanks Nancy

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