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Favorite Toys?


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Hello everyone,

I was curious as to what your grey's favorite toys are, or favorite kind of toys. I'm still stockpiling over here haha. I have a lot of different kinds but want to know what are some birdie favorites! :rolleyes:


I was very interested in the parrot climbing net that the guy I bought my playstand from was selling but I'm a little worried about my grey falling off it because they're so heavy.

Do any of y'all have a climbing net?


Thanks! :)

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Taste in toys is pretty individual. Some love wood to chew on. My TAG does not. His favorites are made of corrugated cardboard and plastic straws. He also enjoys foraging toys. Bells are pretty much a universal favorite. Timber also loves his stainless steel measuring spoons. They are bound together and he messes with those all the time. He also loves to pick at and chew on his rope perch. That has to be replaced frequently because he will chew it down to the metal.


I don't have any input about a climbing net.

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I echo the bell recommendation. It's a greybie must have IMHO. My guy likes swinging so some kind of swing or boing is popular. Dorian also likes tearing up cardboard and paper, so I make a lot of toys with pieces of cardboard. A roll of adding machine paper is a must in all his cages and play stands. I just tie it to the side of the cage with a strip of un dyed leather or a long zip tie and he has a blast pulling on it and chewing up the paper.

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Thanks for the suggestions! I already have quite a few toys with bells on them and have made a lot of the fun straw toys :) I didn't think about SS measuring spoons, that's a good one! I was a little scared to use cardboard because I didn't know if it was safe but I'm glad to have the green light on that one. There's plenty of fun toys to be made of that! I do have a boing because it seems every parrot I see loves them.

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Old phone books work too. Watch the bells for chewing on clapper because they can get their beaks caught in them once in a great while. I wash out old medicine bottles (the brown type) fill with paper and small toys/treats, put the top back on. My TAG loves to throw them around the cage and then work the top off. This is what I leave with him if I know I will be gone longer than a couple of hours.

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Bells, each grey in my house has red marks on their face from the attempted murder of the bell! Adding paper, phone books and straws. Boings go without saying, it is a staple. Clangor bangers are great too. This is a stainless bowl with spoons around it and a bell in the middle, makes lots of noise.

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Sophie not really crazy about toys. She LOVES chewing wood, as long as its not in her cage and a no no... my son hunts, finds ton of cherry wood that we clean up and boil. Put it on the countertop....off goes Sophie! LOL! She prefers anything she can shred.Pinatas is a Sophie favorite! If she can shred it... its a good toy! Regarding the climbing rope... bird needs to be older and no chance of them falling. Sophie has had so many options with toys, but she really is... " a cheap date!". Nancy

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Thank you everyone! I live in the deep south and it seems like all the accessible wood is toxic :( but I definetly will be trying a lot of these! I'm hoping to rehome so it would be an adult bird! :D I'll have to ask the rescue if they think it would be a good match when I get a call back!

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Alfie goes in and out of favour with different toys. For a while recently his favourite toy was a plastic bucket that was filled with toys and paper etc. I fill it up with goodies and he empties it and throws the content around his cage. He then sits and plays with the empty bucket for hours. Pulling on it, throwing it around, hitting it, sliding it along the bars.

Before that, he loved his half coconut shell which was filled with all sorts of fun things. I regularly hide treats and toys in there too. He liked it because he could swing about on it and shred it too.

He has a buffet ball (a ball with holes in and a big bell in the middle). I know when he's managed to get all the treats out because the bell clangs about. He loves beating this one up.

I try to rotate his toys round so he gets lots of variety. So I try all different types of materials with him. He'll play with most things really.

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