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loose Feathers ..concerned


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I am getting a bit concerned now as I am unsure what to think of these feathers.

I wouldn't think that he is plucking or chewing his feathers or I hope he isn't especially because these two feathers in the photo above are so nicely rounded and don't look chewed.

These two feathers are the only ones I have come across so far besides the little fluffy ones. I found the left feather 9 days ago and found the one on the right today with no blood on them. I checked under his wings for anything looking amiss but all seems to look perfect.


When I google moulted feathers I usually see there are bits of quills on it as well so I am confused. I'm unsure what to think of what is going on here. Chappie is 5-6 months old.


Any reassurance of if this is normal please let me know

When will they grow back?


Thanks in advance!

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They appear to be broken off as the base of the feather is missing. Now as to whether he barbered them or they were broken during play is a bit iffy to guess. They will grow back and they appear to be tail feathers which are prone to damage when they take a fall or hit the side of the cage in enthusiastic play.

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I agree with Greywings...keep a close eye on activity of preening. Sophie is almost sixteen, has lost her last birdy companion a month ago.Now its just Ollie ( dog), and her. I have been watching her like a hawk ! ( she needed to sleep in my room a few nites, but recovered quickly!) I'm seeing TONS of down past few weeks, one major feather, but everything else is normal.She is much closer to Ollie now. I know her feathers well, and am watching for plucking. Nancy

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Every so often, the new feathers are coming thru & the old feathers don't come out on their own. So they get a little help & it's no big deal. Where it comes to preening, I'd say remain casual unless it's really obvious that there's a cause for concern because our fids pick up on our stress & it can make its own problems.


My guys usually lose more tail feathers later in the season. So, since it's fall for you, I would think you could start to see some nice bright new tail feathers any time, hopefully.

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The only concern is that both tail feathers have no shafts. Molted feathers come out whole, shaft & all. Watch him and see if he is barbering (chewing) them off. Since there is so much time between losing each, they may just be broken off. As said before. But, I'd watch him preening, and see if he bites them off or not. Don't worry too much, they do not like to be heavily scrutinized and watched too intently.

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