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Pre-made, reusable Foraging toys


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Hi Everyone :)


I recently bought the mastermind heart toy:




And I was just wondering how long (for those who have tried it) did it take your parrot to figure it out?

So far it is taking Chappie a while, I did give him a beginner level one with 2 sliders to get the treat from the top to the bottom. He does that pretty quick and has so for the past month.

It is okay to leave it in his cage to figure out for himself? I just don't want him to get discouraged and uninterested..


Does anyone recommend getting something easier first or leave it?

Also do you remove food bowls at any time of the day and why?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Chappie
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As to how long it takes to figure it out, that depends on the bird. I would leave it in the cage and let him ponder it. The only thing I have to watch is keeping the treats inside fresh if Timber hasn't eaten them.


As to food, Timber's fresh food comes out after 3 hours (what he hasn't eaten). His seed mix and nutriberries stay in all day. I also leave the fresh veggies on his skewer in the cage for more than the 3 hour limit. I'm not sure how others feel about that, but vegetables often sit outside and at room temp for long periods of time before they get to the grocer and I don't think there is a risk there. I'm talking peas in the pod type veggies here.

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My birds have seed mix, Nutri-Berries, and pellets available to them at all times. Fresh fruits & veggies stay about 3 to 4 hours. And water is changed about 3 times a day. My messier "birdy soup" makers get fresh water whenever I'm passing their cage.

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Phenix has that toy & likes it so much I got more caps from Amazon. His has 6 in it now. He was emptying it w/in a day or 2 of going into his cage. BUT, it sat on the table where all new things get introduced for a couple of weeks. During that time I would pick it up & play w/it. Then, eventually, I "let" him move the thingies thru the bars. So he actually already knew how, just needed to be brave enough to interact w/it inside his cage.


Cups get changed according to the type of food & the temperature. Wild birds will eat fruit that has been rotting on the ground, in the heat for days. But they've built up an immune system that can tolerate it. They also have parents who taught them how to forage safely. Neither of which is the case w/our babies. My fids have had 2 crop infections in about 20 years. But it left me a little paranoids & I generally don't leave anything for the fids that I wouldn't let the humans eat.

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Chappie... if Chappie gets bored, remove the toy, and rotate it. Bring it back in a few months. As far as food, Sophie has a continuous supply of basic seed and pellets that includes freeze dryed fruits and veggies. She has buttered toast as a treat in the am before I go to work. ( 1/4 slice of bread). She now gets her veggie/fruit ( fresh), when I get home between five and six, then removed at bedtime. I agree with the three hour timeline, but as many work... its tough to remove as many work dayshift. She also gets a piece of chicken in the morning, as my senior doggie gets a small piece of chicken in the morning. I think she enjoys this the most! ( isn't she eating a relative?)

Sophie is not " big", into birdie toys. She likes silly two year old human toys, and LOVES anything she can shred such as pinatas.

When I get home, she of course runs out ( she likes flying/walking), and I leave her a shreddable treat on the countertop. She is thrilled! She is cheap with toys, just more insistent on ALWAYS being part of the family! Nancy

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