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Lucy appreciation rant


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Today was a marvelous day for Lucy and the whole household. She said her first words ("WOW! Lucy-Goosey") and learned two new tricks: "turn around" and "shake hands". BEYOND AMAZED!!


Furthermore, she has a MONSTER appetite; she eats everything we offer her and nothing is ever enough! Also she is bananas for bananas!


I love her so much, she is the best African Grey we could have ever hoped for. I love her I love her I love her!!!


She is just the best.


I just needed to get this out! Haha. Thanks for reading and feel free to post your own appreciation notes! <3

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That's awesome! You don't need to apologise for being excited and posted about it. I love reading posts like this! :)


This kind of excitement will go on for years and years.


Alfie never ceases to amaze me with the new things he picks up or does. And I've had him for 12 years!

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Thanks all!


How did you teach those tricks? That's awesome!


She already knew step up so "shake" was easy, I just extended one finger and said "shake" while she tried to step up. As soon as she had one foot on my finger, I pulled away and rewarded her. She now knows the difference between step up and shake.


She already blew kisses so I said "gimme kiss" and reward her. She eventually got it and started doing it on command. Same as "chirp".


"Turn around" was a little more tricky because it was something that she didn't already do. I motioned with my hand above her head that she was supposed to spin all the way around. I showed her the treat so she followed my hand, hence the treat, and I said "turn around, good girl" and rewarded her. She now does that without me making the motion. She's so smart :)

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