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Scooty's Biting


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I've had Scooty (CAG) for a bit over 10 years now and have had him since he was about 5 months old maybe? I'd have to check my papers on him. Anyway, this past month or so he has been biting me VERY hard and he refuses to come out of his cage at all. He draws blood every time. He had been molting but that seems nearly done and I'm aware the breeding season may be having an affect on him but it's never been this way before. Maybe its just a change I'll have to get used to, I don't know but it's pretty upsetting :( He won't come out of his cage at all. He lashes out without warning. No eye pinning, no feather movement, not hunched down...nothing like that. And then after he bites he starts trembling like hes scared. I never yell or lash out in anyway. I just take the bite and continue to stand there and talk gently to him. I don 't leave right away because I don't want to set that mind frame that biting gets his way but I'm confused on why he would do this randomly and after all this time. Nothing in the house as changed (that I can tell), I have not changed the way I look or anything of that nature. He is fed a variety of food including fruits, veggies, his chop/mash, harrisons pellets and the power treats, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, pistachios, sweet potato, and birdie bread/muffins. He has a large cage 46" wide, 29" deep and 6 ft. High, inside height 59" - http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=406 with a ton of toys of all different styles, different style perches like dragon wood, rope, sand.


I was hoping I could get some insight or if this has happened to any of you. I'm not sure what I should do...just keep the cage door open and see if he comes out on his own? Or grab him and just take him out with a towel? Ugh...any thoughts would be appreciated :)

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Sounds like he does not want to come out of his cage. So open the door and let him be. My CAG, Sterling Gris does not like to go back into his cage in the evening so he does nip at me to no avail. We have a talk and I always win. I never force my greys out of their cages. I do make them go back in when I choose. My CAG and I have a ritual. He flies to the top of the boing in the kitchen, then the top of the kitchen cabinet and then to the top of the refrigerator. Then Sterling Gris will let me step him up and go to his cage. He does this every time and I let him if I want he back in his cage like a gentleman.

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Yea, I know :/ Its been a month now and he won't come out of his cage. I just wait and wait but nothing seems to change. Then randomly he'll let me scratch him through the bars and he even grabs my finger with his foot and direct the scratches lol. He just seems bipolar lately.

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Can you put a perch in the cage and have him step up on the perch and then try and bring him out?


Did you put a new / different toy near the door of the cage and he's not liking where it is?


You could try taking EVERYTHING out of his cage, and see if that helps ...

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Nope no new toys or anything. I tried the perch thing (I've tried for years doing that actually) and that scares him to death. He will flail and hit the bottom of the cage. Last time he broke a feather. So trying the perch thing is out I think. I have even tried to use one the perches in his cage. I've tried a new one that I let him get used to over the course of a month moving it closer to his cage and then setting it on a table right next to him. Nothing seems to help in that regard. Doing that method works when I introduce him to new toys but it seems to have no affect with perches lol

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I have to say, I agree with Nancy...there IS something different that he has noticed that you are unaware of...a new ring, a watch, a small cut, nail polish on your hand? Something is moved, a plant, blanket, pillow, furniture, light? A different time of day? Is he getting a full 12 hours of sleep and quiet time in the afternoon for a nap? Is the radio, tv on a different station? There is something in your house he fears that is different...you gotta be a detective and find it...

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HMM ... can you take everything out of his cage? OR will he bite you? I'm just wondering if there is something in his cage that in his mind is now the MOST scariest thing ever???? And if it's close to the door which is why he could be afraid to leave?


I'm reaching here!!!

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Open the cage! Start working with your bird off the door. Make it fun and interesting to come out and see you. While my bird has a cage, she has no idea what it is like to be inside one with the door closed...kids knew from day one, we couldn't have birds with a door closed, and they soooo wanted birds! Noone wants to be in a cage.. including you and me! Sophie has a cage, but she has jungle gyms that are fun. Sometimes I go to pick her up, find her in her cage...I can pick her up... put my fingers inside her home and she is fine with that. I always wait for the invite. Nancy

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