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Alfie's new desk


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I bought Alfie a java tree a while back. It was a desk based one (rather than one of the massive floor standing ones) so I could move it around. Most of the time it ended up on the coffee table- but Alfie much prefers to sit on my knee when I'm on the sofa rather than his tree so he can get some fuss and explore.

So I decided that if I got a bigger computer desk I might be able to fit the java tree on it and give Alfie a place to play which was close to me whilst I was on the PC. I finally had the spare money to get one and managed to find one at IKEA which was reasonably priced and the perfect size for my computer bits PLUS Alfie's Java tree. So now when I'm on my computer, he can some and sit with me and and keep an eye on what I'm doing.


So far, so good. Alfie will happily sit and watch what I'm doing (and offer the odd "hello!") whilst I'm at my PC.

He still has his previous "perch" which is actually the back of my computer chair and so he's been alternating between the two. But the tree in it's new position is his favourite place to be when I'm at my PC.


I also purchased a wall bracket and a orbit rope toy and these are going to go up this week hopefully (waiting on my housemate as I don't trust myself with power tools!). I'm going to hang it near to his java tree so he can reach it and hang out up there too.


2015-04-26 22.16.48.jpg

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They love the orbits. Are you mounting it above the tree stand?


It's going to be above but slightly to the left of it. Don't want him to bop his head on it whilst he's on the tree! I also need to be able to reach it and there's a gap between the desk and his cage which I can use to get to it from, without having to pull things off the desk.


Alfie has never had an orbit before but he didn't seem phased when I showed it to him. I even held it up where I was planning on putting it and he wasn't bothered at all. So hopefully he'll take to it. It might be that he'll be able to use the orbit to climb from his cage to his tree as well- I'm not sure if the gap will be too big or not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

2015-05-23 16.23.13.jpg


The orbit is finally on the wall! I had to wait a while as I don't trust myself to use powertools and my housemate was busy most weekends then put his back out for a couple of weeks. Alfie hasn't been on it yet as it's literally just gone up within the last half an hour and he's busy viewing it from a safe distance. It may take him a while to actually climb on to it but hopefully he'll enjoy it once he does!

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  • 2 months later...

2015-08-20 23.01.34.jpg


So Alfie finally went on his orbit today!


...but only because he is currently refusing to go to back in his cage. It was the lesser of two evils... the orbit or the cage.... He chose the orbit!

He did knock the bell about a few times- but I think he was imagining my head as he was doing it..!


I'm hoping he's now realised that he can get on and off the orbit quite easily (he climbed off it onto his tree without problems) so maybe next time he'll go on it to enjoy it as opposed to using it as an escape route!

2015-08-20 22.59.47.jpg

2015-08-20 23.01.06.jpg

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  • 5 months later...

So approx 6-7 months on from putting the orbit up and Alfie now goes on it regularly (and not just when he's refusing to go back in his cage either!). He's figured out it's a great way to get from his cage to his tree and back again and he's also figured out how to make it swing around. Plus it has a bell that he can beat the snot out of.

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