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Current Conversation with Alfie


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I'm sitting here typing away at my computer and Alfie is sitting on his perch, relaxing. He's not a big talker, always prefers whistles and noises. He does know a fair few words, but always prefers noises. So it's good to hear him when he does decide to use words. I encourage him regardless of what noise he makes (well, unless it's one I don't want him to keep doing, of course) and try and get a bit of back and fourth going between us (as he's usually very quiet when people are in the room with him).


Just now we had a 'conversation' which went a little something like:


Alfie: Hello!

Me: Hello!

Alfie: ....Hello!

Me: Hello!

Alfie: *squeak*

Me: Whatcha doin'?

Alfie: *beep* ....*squeak*

Me: Hiya!

Alfie: *squeak*

Me: Whatcha doin'?

Alfie: .....Hello!

Me: Hello!


It's not much and obviously doesn't have much context or meaning. But he instigated it by saying hello and then we carried on from there for a little while before he decided that it was time to preen himself.


He seems to be getting more and more vocal when I'm in the room, which is great. Previously he'd always be silent until I moved away, then he'd start whistling or making noises to see where I was. He even tested out his new word: "hiya!" on me yesterday whilst I was sitting right next to him (where I am now). Usually he'd wait and throw it into conversation whilst contact calling- never whilst I'm in the room.

He even makes noises when other people are in the room too. They even get to hear the occasional word. We had some friends over and two of them were already in the lounge when the third came to the door. My housemate went to answer the door and Alfie let out a really big "Hello!" which made our friends laugh as they'd never heard it before.


It's fascinating how they learn, change and adapt as time goes by.

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AWESOME! What do you mean it doesn't have much meaning? Thats HUGE! Its the beginning of a conversation... and in " grey terms"... I'm talking to YOU!!!! Its a beginning, and while we as humans don't understand the importance of it... I now do! Its just the beginning. Nancy


Hah, sorry, that was probably poorly worded. I meant 'not much' and 'doesn't have much meaning' in terms of not many words were used and the conversation didn't go much further than a few hellos... however, to me, it's a big deal. Over the years I've always had to step out of the room to hear Alfie speak/make noises. I think it's utterly fantastic that he's starting to whistle, chirp, squeak and even utter the odd word with me in the room with him- as well as others too. Since moving into this house two years ago, Alfie has been in the perfect position. He's right in the center of the room and can see the whole room. Neither of my previous homes allowed him to be in such a central location. He was in high traffic areas- but not quite in the centre of it all like he is now. Plus, with my computer desk being right next to him- it's even better. He can come and join me (his java tree is on my desk) and see what I'm doing and get all that extra time and attention he needs. I think this has made SO much difference to him and has encouraged him to vocalize more often when people are in the room with him. :)


I think in my original post I might have been thinking it might not seem like such a big deal to others who have very talkative grey's who can chatter away all day with thousands of different words/sayings. To me, it's awesome- and you're right- the beginning. :D

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neoow... My comment, was not meant to make you feel like you needed to read it " literally"... it was meant to be " teasing you", and just fun! I can see, you don't know me, but I promise you... it was just meant in " fun!" Nancy


No worries! I didn't take offence or anything at all! Was just trying to explain what I meant a little more clearly. :)

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