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The Best Feeling Ever!


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While I was making dinner last night, my previously known as "the statue" bird Bongo, flew on to my shoulder and rubbed his face on my cheek. He then gave me the biggest kiss with sound effects, kissed me again then flew off back to play with Gabby. What a great feeling that was and I just had to share it. Nothing like your bird taking time out of play to tell you that he loves you, that he really loves you. :D I just can't stop smiling!

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Ahh, that's it! He saw the sweet potatoes cooking and figured if he did that I would give him a pre dinner sample! It worked. lol He has trained me well.


Ohh...I didn't mean to diminish the fact that he gave kisses! From a man's perspective, what's the fastest way to a man's heart, his stomach - haahaaahaa. I think Bongo has felt the love for quite a while and the great food he gets (love on a fork) just pushed him over the edge.


Hey I like my wife a lot better when I come home and she feeds me, what can I say.



Tonight GreycieMae flew onto the arm of the couch. I was sitting at the far end and wife laying lengthwise - GreycieMae proceeded to walk across my wife, up my arm and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I don't know if they associate the same feelings as we do but both me and the wife were tickled when she did that. These Greybie's sure have a way of wrapping us around their talons.

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That is so awesome :) Makes me smile too!


So how do you cook your sweet potatoes? Scooty loves them as well and they are just so hard that I boil them like I do normal potatoes. I've tried baking it but it didn't work too well.

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Aaaww, Lisa, that's just the sweetest! Bet you'll light up whenever you think of it for a long, long time. So happy for you.



Re sweet potatoes: I use them in mash mostly. Once in a while I steam them when to feed alone. I wash them. Cut skins & all into planks or medallions. Then put into a covered microwave something until they soften. I have a steamer, but I've used corning ware or even a covered soup cup.


For no other reason than variety, I cook the pieces less & serve cooled or I cook them more for warm & mashed. They might get a pinch of cinnamon too.

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I do sweet potatoes steamed, boiled, baked. If I am making mashed potatoes for us, I make them mashed for the flock. If we are baking potatoes, I put on some for them. I use a parrot spice mix I buy from Wendy Craig @ Wendys Parrots, in everything I make for them too. For a while my hubby thought it was for us and was putting it on his food and using it in our mashed potatoes until I caught him doing that one day. My bad though, I put it in one of my spice bottles and didn't label it, lol. Not that it is bad for us, it is perfectly safe but... The birds love it and now will not eat sprouts without it on there, so I have created food snobs! A favorite meal that every one of my guys eat is when I make brown rice, chop up raw broccoli and carrots and mix it together with palm oil and make mashed sweet potatoes. Serve warm and every bowl will be empty!

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I roast mine until they are squishy then peel & mix into birdy bread or use as a spread mixed with a little nut butter on Celery stalks sprinkled with red pepper flakes, or just mash and add to a grain bake or toss with pasta and chopped greens.

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