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Giant Reed plant safe for Greys?


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We recently discovered these plants around our house that we initially thought were bamboo, but further research revealed that they were in fact a plant called Giant Reed (it's easy to confuse it with bamboo since the stems look so much alike). What I can't find is any information on whether or not this Giant Reed is safe for African Greys. If you know anything about it, please let me know!

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Interesting question. According to Wikipedia it does have some toxins ...."Studies have found this plant to be rich in active tryptamine compounds, but there are more indications of the plants in India having these compounds than in the United States.[29]Toxins such as bufotenidine[30] andgramine[29] have also been found.The dried rhizome with the stem removed has been found to contain 0.0057% DMT, 0.026% bufotenine, 0.0023% 5-MeO-MMT.[29] The flowers are also known to have DMT and the 5-methoxylated N-demethylated analogue, also 5-MeO-NMT. The quite toxic quaternary methylated salt of DMT, bufotenidine,[29] has been found in the flowers, and the cyclic dehydrobufotenidine has been found in the roots.[citation needed] A. donax is also known to release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mainly isoprene.[31]"


The fact that these chemicals are described as toxins would put me off.


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Agreed, great question. Always worth checking stuff like this out. You'd be amazed at some of the stuff animals can have problems with. I was really surprised at how many plants cats can be harmed by, for example. Not that I can have any plants in my house as my two cats and Alfie would just destroy them!

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I think Lucy is terrified of plants. Since we passed on the Giant Reed we got an olive branch to make a new perch (she pretty much destroyed her fig branch), I put the leaves inside her cage for a little natural decor and she FREAKED out. She practically threw herself out of the cage. I was like dude chill and took the leaves out then she was fine.

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I think Lucy is terrified of plants. Since we passed on the Giant Reed we got an olive branch to make a new perch (she pretty much destroyed her fig branch), I put the leaves inside her cage for a little natural decor and she FREAKED out. She practically threw herself out of the cage. I was like dude chill and took the leaves out then she was fine.


Did you put them straight in the cage before she'd had chance to take a good look at them?


Some grey's can be really change adverse and take a while to adapt. Alfie's not too bad, but there are some toys that have to stay the other side of the room at first so he can eye them up. Then I gradually move them closer and closer over a period of a few days or a week. Anything new doesn't go in until he's happy with it.

They can get really spooked by new things! (and even existing things- Alfie hates it when we bring the washing basket past... and I've had the same basket for years!)

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Ahahah, yeah I might've introduced them a little too quickly. It's strange though because she's not ever afraid of new toys/objects. Then again Lucy is a bit of a weirdo. She has never been afraid of the cats or dog, even when we first brought her home and the dog was jumping up and down in excitement. She blows kisses at the other animals, climbs down her cage and walks straight up to them etc. She also likes Irish music only. Strange little one, that one...

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Ahahah, yeah I might've introduced them a little too quickly. It's strange though because she's not ever afraid of new toys/objects. Then again Lucy is a bit of a weirdo. She has never been afraid of the cats or dog, even when we first brought her home and the dog was jumping up and down in excitement. She blows kisses at the other animals, climbs down her cage and walks straight up to them etc. She also likes Irish music only. Strange little one, that one...


It's funny what will sometimes set them off. Alfie used to hate wrapping paper. As soon as he saw it (even if it was the other side of the room) he'd start growling and puffing up. No idea why. Not sure if it's because it looked quite large when being unraveled or he didn't like the noise of it or how it moved. He's alright with it nowadays- but it took him years to get over that one. He's never even come into contact with wrapping paper- so not sure why he used to hate it so much.

If you try the leaves again, give her chance to check the out at her own pace. Leave them somewhere where she can see them and get to them if she wants to. Might take her a while and she may never like them- but obviously there's something that she didn't like about them the first time round!

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I think Lucy is terrified of plants. Since we passed on the Giant Reed we got an olive branch to make a new perch (she pretty much destroyed her fig branch), I put the leaves inside her cage for a little natural decor and she FREAKED out. She practically threw herself out of the cage. I was like dude chill and took the leaves out then she was fine.

LMAO that just made me giggle the way you posted it .... DUDE CHILL !!!!!!! thats funny .... Marco is the same for new stuff in her cage too. Gotta be careful ...

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