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I decided to move here to the Nursery room to post updates. Onyeka has been home just over a week and he has been settling in wonderfully. He seems very attached to me and loves to spend time exploring. He enjoys head and neck attention and would sit for hours with beak gently resting on a finger while receiving this attention if I let him. Eating everything, loves to chew, loves his toys. Most of his verbalization is still baby noise but within last day or so has been experimenting with low gravel voice. He has improved his balance and not nearly as clumsy. He can even fly from my arm to his play stand from several feet away where his afternoon fruit treat awaits. He really likes to be in the action and I'm considering a pac o bird from celltei. We are still in the honeymoon phase but I am very happy with how he is willing to form our relationship. He calls (whistles) when ever I leave the room and I make sure to call back. He has learned how to untie simple knots (from leather strips) and disassembles his toys in this way. Likes to chew on his wood toys and is beaky beakster with everything exploring textures, tastes, and whatever he can. I will have a close eye on this little adventurer.

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fantastic photos!


Wow, what a spoiled little birdy! :D I love the look of all the toys Onyeka has!

Very jealous of the cargo net. Wanted one for Alfie for ages but just can't find enough space/somewhere good enough to put it at the moment!

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The cargo net is from http://www.aronico.com/ I have it attached near ceiling on one end with wall anchors and the other end attached to his play stand. The play stand is on casters so it is mobile. With this configuration I can wheel the stand out a few feet from the wall to extend the net and when not in use push it back snug against the wall (so the net lies flat against the wall). This way it doesn't take up too much space when not in use. The stand is the key and I ordered a heavy manzanita stand pre-constructed in a kit. The stand was the largest expense aside from the cage but should last a good many years. I am recovering financially from the process but well worth the temporary budget hit. I am in my 40's and have wanted a grey for 20 years or more so I expected to devote financially to the endeavor. Onyeka is a bit spoiled I admit but the joy I receive in his companionship cannot be measured. I think of his welfare as a priority and the return is in the blessing I get with each interaction.

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Yes it seems all of my furry & feathered kids are quite spoiled. You should see my pug. He looks like a barrel with a face. He wanted to get a close sniff of Onyeka last night and got a close up of his beak! Pugs snort and sniff everything with their face planted against whatever they sniff. They can be intrusive, at least mine can. Onyeka didn't bit or nip, instead just displayed his quickness and his beak as if to say "I don't particularly enjoy pug breath". Gracie our cat, is from the no kill shelter where she had been her entire two year life living in a small cage. She is now the queen of the universe who "graces" us with her presence as she chooses, dictating which window blind she wants raised to peer from. Gibby the green cheek conure likes to take a random chunk of my finger as a flesh sacrifice from time to time and frequently demonstrates her beaky proficiency on small carrots which are suspiciously finger sized. Spanky (pug) is in his old age and we had just lost our boxer in November. I'm guessing the flock will see some loss and gain over the years but one thing is certain, no matter what role they fill they will always be monarchs with special powers of rendering their adult humans into nurturing servants.

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LOVE your setup and conviction, to your bird! I am soooo sorry for your loss of your pup! As you have many different animals, it is important for them to all be introduced, while your bird is young. Of course, only if your bird is comfortable. While I had three birds of different species, as well as two dogs, in the end, Sophie was the " matriarch", of the animal kingdom. She ruled with an " iron fist", was fair and just. All listened to Sophie.

Its only Ollie my pup, and Sophie left now. They are great friends, and share everything! ( always supervised!). Her animal kingdom is getting small... so now I have to consider getting her another bird friend, or another dog. I'm hesitant to do either, as I am now 54 years old. My bird trimmer who has been involved in her life from day 1... insists that I get her a new friend, either way! She is very social! Sean my son, comes home twice a month, and Ryan skypes with her weekly! She seems very happy. Nancy

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Nice! I love that she skypes! Yes, the kids are getting to know each other, in fact Onyeka allowed Gracie the cat to wave her tail in his face without much fanfare while he was sitting on my lap. Close supervision of course. Onyeka is making more gurgle sounds this week and last night melted my heart to a puddle when he stretched out his neck across the palm of my hand & rested his beak on my finger. There was no tension in his neck he just allowed himself to be vulnerable and then took a nap. Two nights ago he was sitting on my lap (on the floor) started to doze off and gently tumbled into a somersault, ended on his back and stayed there looking at me as if to say "I meant to do that".

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This week Onyeka is trying his voice a bit more with a few whistles, his growler voice, and baby honks. No loud stuff yet. He has also started hanging upside down to give his wings a workout. He also likes to show me how well he can flap each time I bring him out of the cage. He just holds on to my hand and hits the afterburners. More wood toy dismantling and sampling foods. He seems okay with sink showers and just loves his head scratches. He is an amazing baby, huge!

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He sounds awesome! Focus on the trust, as well as the education that is so important! BOTH... are so important, and while it may take a few years... thats what grey time is!

For now... trust, toys and diet. Remember, trust is not just you, but other family members. If not dealt with, they will choose one family member. ALL members need to be involved from the start. Always focus on the concept " stepup, stepdown"., and teach it! For me... it is the number one concept birds need to learn, and they can when they are young. I believe in doing it off the door.

I am not a big believer in putting my fingers inside their cage. Its their domain, and none of my birds ever appreciated my hand inside their cage. So I never did, nor did I suffer a bite. Focus on the needs of your bird, and all will go well Nancy

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